Fire shrimp spawn pics


New member
Posted these already on my build thread but thought I post here as well.






Love this shot the most

Thanks for the replies. Yes they do look like Coral Banded shrimps. Wish I was able to catch some and raise them in a separate tank and document the growth stages...Maybe next time
very awesome pics. What was your set up for these? They look like tiny little guys.
wow first time I reach the bandwidth limits!!! guess I'll have to upgrade or relink from a different photoalbum!!!

I saw these at midnight just before heading to bed so didn't have much of a setup as my macro focusing rail and tripod were not at hand...
I had my 50mm 1.4 and 3 Kenko extension tubes toatling 48mm if I remember correctly. was crazy difficult to focus as the DOF was very limited and the focusing distance was less than an inch from the front of the lens. Used my old D70s with an SB800to light them up as all lights were off, then turned on the moonlighting to eb able to see the shrimps and focus on them...
wow first time I reach the bandwidth limits!!! guess I'll have to upgrade or relink from a different photoalbum!!!

I saw these at midnight just before heading to bed so didn't have much of a setup as my macro focusing rail and tripod were not at hand...
I had my 50mm 1.4 and 3 Kenko extension tubes toatling 48mm if I remember correctly. was crazy difficult to focus as the DOF was very limited and the focusing distance was less than an inch from the front of the lens. Used my old D70s with an SB800to light them up as all lights were off, then turned on the moonlighting to eb able to see the shrimps and focus on them...
wow first time I reach the bandwidth limits!!! guess I'll have to upgrade or relink from a different photoalbum!!!

I saw these at midnight just before heading to bed so didn't have much of a setup as my macro focusing rail and tripod were not at hand...
I had my 50mm 1.4 and 3 Kenko extension tubes toatling 48mm if I remember correctly. was crazy difficult to focus as the DOF was very limited and the focusing distance was less than an inch from the front of the lens. Used my old D70s with an SB800to light them up as all lights were off, then turned on the moonlighting to eb able to see the shrimps and focus on them...

Rehost on Imgur, ASAP!

I wanna see!
Adult fire shrimps

Adult fire shrimps

hi maroun
how many adult fire shrimps you had in your tank?
i have 2 of them and want to reproduce them. great photos
the81ghost Adult fire shrimps

hi maroun
how many adult fire shrimps you had in your tank?
i have 2 of them and want to reproduce them. great photos

I only had two when they spawned.
I believe they are hermaphrodite so any two you get will carry eggs periodically. On lighter colored shrimps like Cleaner shrimps the eggs are much more visible.
The difficult part is raising the larva as they need specific foods and are usually consumed by the fish.

DC650 Nice pics!!!

avangels how tiny are those
Very Tiny:beer:
Wow, cool shots... those can't be easy to get in focus, pretty razor thin depth of field and I'm sure they zip around!
cool i know they are hermaphrodites but i dont know will mines get paired and mate..they still chase eachother for territory
Wow, cool shots... those can't be easy to get in focus, pretty razor thin depth of field and I'm sure they zip around!

I actually killed the flow int the tank to minimize flow and as I used extension tubes which gives yo umuch more magnification but can only get hings in focus for a few inches in front of the lense. So had to stick my lense straight up tothe glass and could noly focus on the shrimps either on the glass or 1-2 inches away. if it haden't been at midnight I would have captured some and placed them in a water bowl and worked out my lighting and focusing much better.