First acro, what do you think?


New member
Got this acro a week ago. Polyps are visible, but not really extended. Does it look healthy? It's under medium light, I had it under high light and it seemed ****ed off. Using Hydra 26hd at like 6" depth and off to the side a little




pH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0 ppm
Nitrite: 0 ppm
Nitrate: 1.5 ppm
Phosphate: .02 ppm
Salinity: 1.027 SG
Alkalinity: 10 dKH
Calcium: 400 ppm
Magnesium: 1420 ppm
So do some acros just not extend their polyps as much?

It's adjusting still. Going from one system to another, and then being moved again because it looked unhappy under higher light.. He's trying to get his bearings so to speak :)

When I first started, PE was hit and miss. Once I switched up to a better salt and gained a more understanding of SPS things improved. I will also say, once I switched up to T5 my PE is absurd. I've seen equal PE from a few extremely well maintained LED tanks, but they're less common. LED's are awesome, T5 will outperform for SPS.