First addition?


New member
Would a Xenia be a good first addition for my 75. I just love the pulsing ones. Is there anything special they need in terms of water quality or feeding.:D
from what i know most of them like a little "dirty" water
so if you have a skemmer dont run it constantly
and the flow doesnt need to be high but medium
they are very hardy also
and most do not need to be fed if any
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7641871#post7641871 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Steven0000
from what i know most of them like a little "dirty" water
so if you have a skemmer dont run it constantly
and the flow doesnt need to be high but medium
they are very hardy also
and most do not need to be fed if any

Rhats all you need to know
I picked up a xenia frag about three weeks ago, and it's just about tripled in size. Some people have a real hard time with them, but the many people who have success have all degrees of water "cleanliness". Mine's actually fairly pristine, so I don't think it's as simple as saying xenia need dirty water. I don't feed mine anything. Xenia are supposed to be the closest corals get to being Autotrophic (getting all of their nutrition from sunlight) via their zooxanthellae. It is thought that they probably get some sustenaince from phytoplankton and/or "marine snow", so that's probably the "dirty water" people talk about in reference to xenia. Anyway, the people who are successful with them don't seem to do anything special, and they absolutely grow like weeds. As an added bonus, from what I understand, they will take excess nutrients out of your water, actually improving your water quality. I've heard that some people actually use xenia in their refugiums. Great corals, though. I love mine. The pulsing is absolutely hypnotic.