First egg hatched!!

I really need a real camera, but tried taking some more pics with my phone tonight. Everything is going well, and they all eat like crazy. I'm still not sure what i'm going to do with the five extra if they all make it. What a problem to have. :)


Wow, awesome man! I have been wanting a Seppia Bandensis for a few years! I might finally be setting up a 29 gallon bio cube up for one this spring!
Wow, awesome man! I have been wanting a Seppia Bandensis for a few years! I might finally be setting up a 29 gallon bio cube up for one this spring!

My goal is to have a breeding pair, but for now just getting rid of the extra six is hard enough. I also think they do better in groups, and with how short lived they are, captive breeding is always the way to go.

I saw the one I let go into the DT hunting the other night. He is smaller than the other, but was walking along the rocks striking at something. I was extremely shocked he is still alive. :beer:
Sweet, just set up a 29 gallon bio cube and I think I will get 3-4 eggs myself in a couple of months when the tank is ready.
sorry guys im a newbie, just skimming through and I was wondering what was the hatchlings identity? I mean what type of invert is it? sorry I know I should most likely know this but I dont lol.
sorry guys im a newbie, just skimming through and I was wondering what was the hatchlings identity? I mean what type of invert is it? sorry I know I should most likely know this but I dont lol.

It's a cuttlefish - probably Sepia bandensis.

I came across some cuttlefish while snokeling in the Cancun area. Sister thought they were squid...

To my knowledge, there are no cuttlefish in the Caribbean. What you most likely saw was Caribbean Reef Squid.
