***First Official Meet & Frag Swap***


In Memoriam
We are currently trying to plan our first official meeting/get together & Frag Swap - we would like your input as for date, and location.

Votes are being held on www.swfmas.com

We'd like to hear from you, and would love to get together with all.
Yes, it is ON!

Yes, I was going to shoot an email over to FMAS, ACROS, and some of the other nearby clubs - the voting just ended for the time of day.

Saturday, April 28 2007 - At 6PM.

We will be serving up Burgers & Dogs.
Sounds great! Please post the address if you can. I think I can bring a few Purple sea whips, maybe some others as well. I also have a friend in San Carlos who is interested in going as well.

Thank You to all again for coming - was very nice meeting everybody!
Thank You all for the corals - was nice having a local frag swap.
I had to leave early, but it looked like it was going to be a good time. What what the frag of the day? anything interesting?
Thank you for inviting us all into your lovely home, for your warm hospitality, good food, and a look at your beautiful tank. A good time was haa by all! I hope this time a local club takes off, and we can all do it again soon.

Regards, Ron & Dawn.
Thanks for having us it was a great turn out. you have a awsome tank it's nice to see how others set up their systems. I hope this turns into a regular event. Thanks, Bill