Sorry to hear about your loss. Hopefully you have your credit in the system. If you need any help at all please feel free to call 888-479-2583
Take care.
Thanks for letting us know. We will absolutely honor your claim! We are not fish Nazis counting down 7 days from when your order arrives to wash our hands of responsibility for your order. The 7 days is just a guideline. We believe that if something is going to go wrong that can be attributed to a problem with the animal itself, it will manifest in 7 days or less. You basically have 7 days to report problems to us, not necessarily actual losses.
Just email and let them know you had an issue and we will be more than happy to help.
Have a very Merry Christmas!
Great customer service? I have sent them two emails and have never received a response. I placed my first order with them, place them in a brand new 20 long QT and after two weeks all the fish were dead but one (I moved it to the display bc it wasn't eating), all covered over night with velvet.
I did a last ditch effort of copper. I also was running uv on the tank since before day one. I agree that when received the fish appeared 100% healthy. I'm not upset about the fish dieing bc of velvet as I don't expect them to swab and gram stain a slide for every fish. All I wanted was email confirmation. I do not buy the fact that they never received it. I can take screen shoots that prove I sent them three emails in total. Two of which were never acknowledged.
To jmowbray - If you can give us a reference number or order number we can check your account for any emails that have not been responded to. We believe you that you sent them but we don't believe we got them or they would have been responded to. You can call as well. We are here Mon-Fri from 9am to 6pm pst. We will be closed starting 12/30 at noon through 1/5. We would love to help you out with your problem.
To gsxrfl1k6 - Our big difference is that we actually house, take care of and pack every single animal that we sell as opposed to having animals drop shipped from turn and burn wholesalers. We import our animals and have a very low mortality rate because of our QT and medication procedures. Not all fish need medication but some like angels, tangs and butterflies go through the prazi med system before being listed in inventory because of the chance for flukes. Any fish like clownfish all get treated with nitro to guard against bacterial infections which are common. Any other fish will get treated as needed if they shows signs of pathogenic infection. Thank you so much for the order. We are glad we could help.
To DaisyDog - The most important thing to us is good nutrition for all fish, coral and inverts. Every fish has to be eating before it is even listed for sale. An eating fish is not necessarily a healthy fish but an eating fish is always one that can be treated for anything wrong with it. We are sorry you think we are a bad company. We have been around for over 10 years and have had fairly good growth each year. We rely very heavily on repeat customers and we feel we do a pretty good job with about a 75% retention rate. We understand we can't make every single person happy 100% of the time but we try damn hard to do so. If there is something we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.