First post - New Zoa's


New member
Hey all,

I think this is my first post, or maybe first in quite some time. My tank is a 75 gallon with a 20 gallon sump/refugium below ( I built the sump refugium ). My main tank has 2 fire goby, 1 bicolor blenny, 1 six-line wrasse, 1 sebae clown and 1 percula clown, 1 Long tentacle anemone that the Sebae calls home, various snails and crabs. And YES, I have 2 Zoanthid colonies that are new, within the last few weeks, to my tank. I will post pics of my tank, with focus on the Zoa's soon.

Just wanted to start my postings on the site.

Had to go to LFS today and look around. He had Zoa's, for 20 and 40. The 20's were gone, so I was going to leave. He says, i'll sell you a 40 for 28 so figure around 30 out the door. Attached is what I got.

I am pumped with Zoanthids in my Tank.
Very nice. I think I have a rock with the same exact mix of zoas on it. Or if not the exact same, then very similar.