New member
(Reposting this from Equipment Forum
For all practical purposes, I'm a saltwater newbie. Got a 13.5 gal Evo for my son in September and guess who got hooked? Skipping forward, for the past two months I've been stubbornly trying to piece together my first "œreal tank" (used Oceanic 57) by myself, using assorted used equipment purchased from local online forums. Finally decided to quit trying to "œupgrade the old 486", (already knew I was going to want a bigger, better tank soon) and just buy what I REALLY wanted and be done with it. THEN I went a "œlittle" bit bigger.
Red Sea Reefer 625 xxl
133gal display, 32gal sump, 59"L x 23.6"H x 25.6"W
Goal set up: Full reef with fish (assume I will massively over feed at first). Corals will start out with the easy and forgiving and slowly work my way up to SPS.
Since most of what I have is not going to be appropriate for the new tank, I need to pretty much start from scratch in terms of equipment. Really hoping for advice and suggestions for the basic equipment as well as anything else I may need or want that will get me started off well (idiot proof me).
Lighting: I have 3 used Hydra 26 HD lights (one HMS single arm mounting kit); NEED mounting suggestions
Skimmer: Need a reasonable footprint so that I can maximize the refugium section, would like to stay under $400 if possible BUT assume I will over feed, so needs to be able to reliably handle a heavy bio-load.
Return Pump: Red Sea recommends 1600 gph pump.
Powerheads: Have a Vortech MP10 W that I won't be able to use due to the glass thickness - ¾". Really like ability to control the level of flow as well as the flow pattern, etc. It is a bit noisy at higher flow rates and wish I could direct the flow a bit more. Also have a pair of Hydor 1500's and the Koralia SmartWave controller that my husband bought me for Xmas...without asking me...for my 13.5 gal Evo. Hate the controller - 100% on or all off. Suggestions?
Heater(s): Live in Atlanta but we do get occasional proper cold snaps (10F). Tank will be in finished, daylight basement. Existing HVAC not super effective and can get chilly if outside temp gets too low.
ATO: Tank comes with a gravity fed, simple float valve system that most users seem to find awkward in terms of placement and especially refilling. Would like to replace. Could replace system & relocate the ATO tank to the dry side or possibly run a line from the utility room behind the tank.
Those are the bare bones basics to get started. Your suggestions and advice VERY much appreciated.

For all practical purposes, I'm a saltwater newbie. Got a 13.5 gal Evo for my son in September and guess who got hooked? Skipping forward, for the past two months I've been stubbornly trying to piece together my first "œreal tank" (used Oceanic 57) by myself, using assorted used equipment purchased from local online forums. Finally decided to quit trying to "œupgrade the old 486", (already knew I was going to want a bigger, better tank soon) and just buy what I REALLY wanted and be done with it. THEN I went a "œlittle" bit bigger.
Red Sea Reefer 625 xxl
133gal display, 32gal sump, 59"L x 23.6"H x 25.6"W
Goal set up: Full reef with fish (assume I will massively over feed at first). Corals will start out with the easy and forgiving and slowly work my way up to SPS.
Since most of what I have is not going to be appropriate for the new tank, I need to pretty much start from scratch in terms of equipment. Really hoping for advice and suggestions for the basic equipment as well as anything else I may need or want that will get me started off well (idiot proof me).
Lighting: I have 3 used Hydra 26 HD lights (one HMS single arm mounting kit); NEED mounting suggestions
Skimmer: Need a reasonable footprint so that I can maximize the refugium section, would like to stay under $400 if possible BUT assume I will over feed, so needs to be able to reliably handle a heavy bio-load.
Return Pump: Red Sea recommends 1600 gph pump.
Powerheads: Have a Vortech MP10 W that I won't be able to use due to the glass thickness - ¾". Really like ability to control the level of flow as well as the flow pattern, etc. It is a bit noisy at higher flow rates and wish I could direct the flow a bit more. Also have a pair of Hydor 1500's and the Koralia SmartWave controller that my husband bought me for Xmas...without asking me...for my 13.5 gal Evo. Hate the controller - 100% on or all off. Suggestions?
Heater(s): Live in Atlanta but we do get occasional proper cold snaps (10F). Tank will be in finished, daylight basement. Existing HVAC not super effective and can get chilly if outside temp gets too low.
ATO: Tank comes with a gravity fed, simple float valve system that most users seem to find awkward in terms of placement and especially refilling. Would like to replace. Could replace system & relocate the ATO tank to the dry side or possibly run a line from the utility room behind the tank.
Those are the bare bones basics to get started. Your suggestions and advice VERY much appreciated.