First Tank! and its' going fast

Okay for a "visual" reference of my coral stock, please correct me as I'd hate to have any coral mislabeled and placed in the wrong lighting/flow. Take note these corals are not currently located in their permanent locations I've been moving them up/down the tier of rock-work in order to help acclimate them to the new lighting.
Fiji Leather

White Hammer

Green Candy-cane/trumpet

Frogspawn (moved him for photo so he's a bit upset here)

Finger Leather

Red Mushrooms (the algae still left is filled with little bugs and the snails have been grazing on it)

Green Hammer and gsp

Some sort of green zoos maybe?
if im not mistaken the first one is a toadstool leather (yours is small andd when they get bigger they start to fold and curl like the one in the pic. and i think yours is the long/hairy polyp variety)

and i think the 5th one is a Cauliflower Colt Coral

and in the 7th one from what ive heard doesnt your hammer sting your gsp at night? just be on the look out, if your gsp starts to decline try moving the hammer

nice tank!!!!
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You're right on all accounts I believe hydro, thanks for clarifying my species for me. I'll scoot my hammer over now, in case its' being harmed by the gsp. I don't mind if it keeps the gsp in check though... don't want it to become a weed.
Hi zesty, is that an open brain coral as your avatar? Don't worry I have slowed down ... a lot. Do I have a skimmer, yes, is it installed no. My skimmer, phosban reactor and activated carbon reactor will all be located in the sump portion of the 90g refugium I'll be installing this weekend... I'll be sure to post pictures of me remodeling my closet :P.

Thanks aqua keepers, I'm not much of a rock person either but I wanted to make sure I had enough LR for the system and I wanted to create enough tiers/ledges in order to suit the need of any corals I may get in the future. This large amount of rock work will limit the size of any fish I may get by a lot though because there isn't ample swimming space for a fish over 5" imo.
my avatar is a s.haddoni red carpet anemone. an awesome creature, however they deserve a dedicated tank. they are notorious fish eatters. not for the beginner.
Ah, it is a very amazing creature. I thought they required large tanks in order to thrive since carpets could become very large, don't worry I'm not even thinking about trying my hand at anything that is labeled 'difficult' as its' care level. You're getting a vortech mp40? I'm thinking of ordering the 10 or 20 myself... I've seen the 40 in action on a 210g and it really moves some water... too much for my little tank.
Okay so I have some new additions!!!
not live stock so chill out already, geez :)
I finally picked up the 75g fuge last night and 2 reactors w/ a pump and plumbing. I won't be able to install the fuge till wed. night but I'll probably install the ro/di filter tom. morning.
The two 2 little fishies reactors all cleaned up, now I need to go get some carbon/phosban.
I know the ro/di unit needs 2 new filters so I'll order those soon :P

Here's the dirty fuge which I cleaned up fairly well, except for the actual refugium part. The sand was washed out well but I didn't want to scrape off the coraline just in case its' still able to regrow. I ended up having to break apart most of the dividers and resealing it all and adding in a few bracers to support them.

I'm no Mario but I'm probably as good as Luigi so I'm trying to use the scrap/trash plumbing that was used in the previous owners system

(also got a few other goodies like a couple basketball sized bunches of Chaeto algae which is currently dominating my DT for the time being; wait so I lied I did get some livestock right? but it's beneficial so :P?)
Please forgive me

Please forgive me

Okay so I had a ton of problems trying to get the sump to work and yet I still don't have it working right. First, my drain from DT to sump isn't enough... not even close. So either I'm going to have to drill a few holes through the back or figure out how to get 700+gph flow out of the tank. And secondly I can't seem to match the flow going back to the tank at all... within 5mins +/- 5gallons have shifted... I just don't know what to do :P
Here is my once useful closet, I need to install some new shelves and a couple power outlets still too. One reactor is running a little bit of carbon to help clean up anything that's there and isn't on the tests (all perfect btw). The other reactor is just packed with filter padding to clean up the water nice and clear.

The clear tubing on the left is coming from the tank, the tank isn't RR so its' just siphoning. All piping/tubing is 3/4" and because the flow isn't enough coming to the sump I have the majority of flow going from the pump into a side tank that siphons back into the refugium part. I plan on putting 5"+ of sand in the fuge and moving the light over to cover the side tank and fuge.

Now you can get mad. Dr.N who I bought the refugium from called me up and gave me his clean up crew... so although I shouldn't have put so much in I couldn't turn down so much for free. I received 10 lg. astreas , 5 lg. turbos, 30 red legged hermits, 5 blue legged, 2 peppermint shrimp. He also gave me some random frags of leftovers he had.
Acan Lord not sure what type. He gets really puffy and pretty when the halides come on.

5 ricordea mushrooms

Sun coral (I'm debating on trading this one away very soon; it seems to be doing much better than what he was when I brought him home and even though I've done a ton of research and doing the in the shade w/ high flow and taking out to feed it a mix of mysis/phyto/cyclo/oyster eggs/supplements I feel that it deserves someone a bit more experienced... but it does seem to be doing a bit better...)

Not pictured; 3 tiny feather dusters on a small rock covered in polyps, looks like a white, a pink and a red. The polyps haven't opened up yet (3days) Dr.N didn't know what they were even but said they might be some sort of zoos. I'll post a pic of that soon, maybe you all can enlighten me.
Bring on the heat, I know... I just couldn't turn down free stuff
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It is definitely hard not to accept free donations for the tank. So it's hard to give ya heck for taking the free livestock.

I just wanted to comment on your plumbing scenario.

To be honest. At this point it looks like a flood waiting to happen. There are so many things that can go wrong when running a sump without a RR or drilled tank. I know it is a major pain but I would really consider having your tank drilled. You mention the water is just siphoning. Do you have an overflow box? Are you prepared for the power outage scenario? Perhaps some anti siphon holes to kill the siphon?

I am by no means an expert, I just have a uneasy feeling in regards to the way your plumbing is set up. Personally, I wouldn't trust a sump set up without an overflow box and a drilled tank.

My 2 cents. Good luck with the build. You have some nice stuff in there!
Welcome. I am from LouKY too. If you need some help PM me (tl:dr etc). I know all the good LFS around here and have been doing this for a while (on and off).
So I can cycle my 75g refugium for about an hour without me adjusting it so I run it a couple of hours every day. I added 45ibs of argonite (its' really chunky as in broken shells, very coarse. I hope thats' okay) to the refugium and a couple of days later BAM I show my first imperfect tests.
trite: 0
trate: 0
Calcium: 495
pH: 8.35
Salinity: 1.024
Phos: 0.1 (I don't usually test for phos. often but what should this be at for sps? 0-.5 right?)
ALAS, my levels didn't last... ammonia fell to 0 before I could even do a water change the next day. guess I finally got my spike! :D

Going to a local club meeting on Sunday and I'll prob be bring home a frag or two...thinking of trying my hand at sps b/c I love montiporas, caps mainly. (I'll be trading away my sun coral which is a much bigger bio-load than anything I'll be bringing back so system shouldn't change :P)