First time dipping corals


New member
Picked up some frags last night and wanted to start dipping since I lost a frag to nudis and lately my zoas haven't been looking too happy. I picked up some Bayer and a bottle of hydrogen peroixde too.

Just wanted to get some opinions on my procedure to see if I did ok.

To dip with Bayer a website suggested 1.5ml to every oz of water. I used 2 cups of SW so doing the math it's 24ml or about .88 oz of the solution. I dipped all new corals in this for 15 mins and rinsed in clean SW and let sit in more new SW for a few minutes.

For the zoas and palys I dipped in SW and HP diluted at 4:1 for 5 mins. There were 2 brittle starfish hiding in the palys and they pretty much disintegrated in just a few seconds.