FISH 4 A 65g


New member
Since I'm going to be adding fish down the road, how does this seem for bio-load:

1 Yellow Tang
1 Flame Angel
1 Copperband Butterfly
1 Royal Gramma
2 Clown Fish
1 Royal Dottyback
2 Bangaii Cardinal
1 Lawnmower Blennie

Cleaner Crew
20 Nasarius snails
2 Cleaner Shrimp
10 Astrea Snails
10 Cerinth Snails
I'd swap the flame for a coral beauty. You may want to experiment with a few corals (or even try a clam!) down the road, and the flame will preclude this option.

I'd also drop the Copperband.
The tang will probably harass and the copperband may not survive, but you will need a larger skimmer foremost.
In my 65 I have a Coral Beauty, Kole Tang, 2 false percs, Bi-color Blenny, and a Yasha Haze Goby. The Kole is my "big" fish, I would leave it at that and not add the CBB. I've actually considered adding a few firefish just for a splash of color.
Waht AC said ... if you took out the tang and butterfly there are many good wrasses like the 6L - they will compete with other fish for pods though.
There are a lot of very very colorful smaller fish, Fairy and Flasher Wrasses are my favorites. There also a bunch of cool gobies, a goby/shrimp pair would be interesting.
They seem nice but so darn small. I've seen a 55 with a yellow tang, and a powder blue. I guess that's a no-no here.
I was told that a yellow or a blue tang both require a larger tank and a 65, even when kept single. The Kole is one of the smaller Tangs and seems to do great in my 65. While he's not the most colorful or popular Tangs, he has a great personality and has been a model citizen. I agree on the shrimp/goby pair. I have a set and they are very interesting to watch. I've always wanted a CBB but I think they get too large for the 65. Good luck with your selections.