They have made some great improvements in the past few weeks. I originally didnt have a great first impression of them, however with the new changes I am really pleased. They dont have any more sick fish than any store that has fish in on a regular basis, they now have lights over their fish, the coral prices are actually pretty good if you compare them to online prices (I got a fire red blasto with green mouths... about 9 polyps for 50$... show me where there is a better price online?), and the new coral system is actually very suited to getting corals in and temporarily holding them untill sale.
Since the new changes, we have bought 3 coral colonies there, and all 3 are quite healthy and doing well in the new tank. We got a nice bubble, some zoanthids, and the blasto. Each one of them is about 10-20$ cheaper than comparable colonies on live aquaria, plus we dont have to pay for shipping.
Just saying give them a chance... your bashing them without even seeing the new set up seems kind of pointless. I agree with Joe, things are definatley looking better and I hope the posotive look continues.