Fish FS (18840)


New member
Hi Everyone,

I'm beginning the process of going from a 72g mixed reef and 90g FOWLR to a 220g SPS dominate. The move to the 220g is a ways off, but I'm starting the process of getting down to just one tank that will hold the livestock and coral that will ultimately go into the new tank.

So to start I need to sell some of the non-reef safe fish. I'll have a bunch of soft coral colonies in the not too distant future available as well. Right now I'm looking to sell the following. All are fat and healthy.

6" Niger Trigger - $30
5" Koran Angle Juvenile - is in the process of changing to an adult - $40
5" Cross Hatch Butterfly - $30
7" Harlequin Tusk (Indian Ocean) - $50

PM if intersted. I'm from the Sayre, PA area.

Pics...sorry about the poor quality. My camera sucks or I'm just not good with it.

Koran Angel

Niger Triger

Cross Hatch Butterfly

Harlequin Tusk