Fish Hop, Saturday April 8th


Premium Member
Get ready, get set, we're going on our annual fish hop, Saturday April 8th from 9:00am to approximately 7:00pm (not firm). Bus will depart at 9:00 am sharp, so don't be late. Space is limited, so get on this one quick. The cost is $10 for members and $25 for non-members which includes your membership fee for the rest of the year. We will be stopping in Homestead for some great Mexican food for lunch. Feel free to bring your lunch to eat on the bus if you wish. Call Renne for additional information at 305-861-5961, or email Chris at to RSVP. Another thread will be posted shortly with the meeting location.
Is there an approximate list of the stops that we are making and the order of each?

I know we don't usually follow the plan 100%, but it would be good to have an idea.

This is good in case someone can't do the entire event but may be able to meet up with the group.

i second that.. id really like to see some tanks and id be willing to drive a bit but i am not free until after 10 (i have an all night charity event at my college) especially if you guys are looking at tanks in my general area of south miami, its always good to see what else is out there around me.
I'll post a general plan when I can. We will be meeting in the gravel lot in the parking lot of Bass Pro at 8:45 and leaving at 9:0. From there we will be going to Roger's house off Royal Palm Blvd and 75. After that we will head South (not sure where yet). After 1 or 2 more stops we will be going to Homestead for lunch and then most liekyl to Pablos near Homestead. We will then hit a few more on the way back North. I will post more details as we finalize the schedule more.