Fish killer

Hello - I have 180 gallon tank with a large saddle back clown, another clown and a magnifcent lo. All large fish 3-5 inches. I added a school of Green chromis - 9 in total. Each day one ends up missing so something is eating them. One was missing a part of his tail. The tank is 6 years old and established. The rock came from the ocean through a retailer. It was full of life - including some bad crabs. Anyway, over the years I'm 100% sure there are no gorilla crabs. However, I have always heard a popping sound in the tank and attributed it to a pistol shrimp. I have never seen a mantis and the large fish have been fine for years. What else can be fish killers in a tank? Bobbit worm lurking somewhere under the rock? Any other hidden killers (nocturnal) I should look for? I don't want to rip the rock apart but I may go searching. I do have a HIGH mortality rate for snail but assume snails just have a high mortality rate...

I have also searched at night with red light and haven't even seen anything that looks dangerous or that's unaccounted for.

What are fish killers in our aquariums that would live at least 6 years?
Chromis drop like flies from urenoma a pasasite. They get red marks on them. Bresthin heavy then a dsy or two later dead.

Took me forever to get 5 that lived through it. Now it seems one has a red msrk and is breathing fast.. my chromis never fight eachother
If you want a school of Chromis, you need to buy eleventy-thousand of them and put them all in at once. In a year, you will have 5 left. :fish1::fish1::fish1::fish1::fish1:
I dont think so... ive had 5 for 4 months now.. they havent done any of the sort... they get urenoma and it kills thrm in a day or two thats why the drop like flies... if yours have red msrks on thrm its urenoma a parasite
I dont think so... ive had 5 for 4 months now.. they havent done any of the sort... they get urenoma and it kills thrm in a day or two thats why the drop like flies... if yours have red msrks on thrm its urenoma a parasite

Nope, they just kill each other.
They bite, the smash into, they pin one another in corners, they try to stop others from feeding.
Watched them at length.....nasty nasty....
School nice though, but never last....all gone within a year......just like Inwas told, but didn't listen.
Now I know why they are 5 bucks.
That's why I don't keep them anymore, to boisterous for my other inhabitants.
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It’s actually both. They’re highly suveptible to uronema AND they are really good at killing each other off. They need lots of space and lots of good, and a period of QT; then maybe you’ll keep a group for a while.