Fish Room Schematics?


New member
Does anyone know or have plans or drawings for a fish room layout ?

This 300 is going to require some serious careful planning on my part and I only want to do this ONCE ! (The best laid plans of mice and men....) anyway; I was hoping to find some layouts of fish rooms that others have done already.

....or am I gonna have to go through this forum a thread at a time and just search them out ?:(
You are asking a very open ended question. Every senario is different for each person. Click on my red house to check out my build link. You may be able to get some ideas from that. If you want more help. Post pictures of the space you have to work with and what equipment will be used.
still haven't got it together but here are a few ideas I was bouncing around;





I have a lot more options with different positives and negatives as well... this was mostly brain storming though and I wont know exactly how I want it until I can get in there and physically move equipment around.
Do you live in the house where it will be set up yet? If so, post some pics of the area it might could go in and we can give you some ideas. There are LOTS of considerations on this type of project if you want to do it right.
above all, try to maximize the amount of free floor space that you can have. It is bound to get filled with buckets of salt, trash cans towels and tubing! I like thirschmann's last idea best.

you should consider
-a sink
-a floor drain if possible
-a big drip tray under your sump
-independent QT tank, 60 gallon refugium with DSB, frag tank
-two large vats set up with float valves; one to mix new salt water and one for R/O
-storage closet!
-a dedicated subpanel with 4-6 20 amp circuits.
-an alternate source of power (generator)

A newly constructed room is optimal. If you are retrofitting, thats cool, but it is best if your A/C vents from the house are not in contact with the corrosive salt. I just changed out my in wall A/C unit that has been hooked up to my fish room for 2.5 years and the amount of damage from the salt is incredible!!!

The thing that most complain of is "I wish it was bigger". When you plan, think of it like a kitchen. Keep the things that you will use time in and time out close to you. I.E. I have my test kits/refractometer mounted on the wall. I always know where to find them.