Fish tank top?

I always just use egg crate. Cheap doesn't block air flow.

Eggcrate or more specifically light diffuser will block light(hence the name), and the holes are large enough for fish to jump through. Thats why no one ever suggests it for tank tops.
I have an acrylic top on my 120gal tank. The main reason is to reduce evaporation which it does very well. It also reduces the amount of dust etc that gets into the tank. I run my LEDs a bit higher as it reduces light intensity. I'm not worried about gas exchange as the sump is uncovered with good flow through it and the skimmer also allows for gas exchange. The tank being warmer is a pro for me as I live in a colder climate so this reduces the amount of time my heater is on. (On average I only worry about high temperature for a week every year)
Eggcrate or more specifically light diffuser will block light(hence the name), and the holes are large enough for fish to jump through. Thats why no one ever suggests it for tank tops.

I don't know what you're calling egg crate, but mine does not block light - it may diffuse it, I can't tell. And I've never had a saltwater fish small enough to jump through it. The fish would have to be the size of a small guppy, and a darned athletic little bugger.
Light diffuser/eggcrate exactly what it is. Go to lowes or HD and look for it, it's in the lighting section and labeled light diffuser. It's meant to go on industial lighting fixtures, and it is large enough for fish to jump through. Believe me or not, just do a search on here.

5/16" X 23 5/8" x 47 5/8" White Egg Crate Ceiling Lighting Panel. Eggcrate Louvers are appropriate for areas where brightness control is not critical. Large areas of ceiling can economically be covered to provide a sense of lightness and space. Different styles of Eggcrate Louvers are available to meet your particular needs and budget.

Google search for Light diffuser panels
Light diffuser/eggcrate exactly what it is. Go to lowes or HD and look for it, it's in the lighting section and labeled light diffuser. It's meant to go on industial lighting fixtures, and it is large enough for fish to jump through.

That's exactly what I use, and don't have a single salt water fish which could make it through there. Even small clowns would bang their little heads pretty bad. I've never had a single jump, and I've been using it for a long time. I learned about it from other aquarists.

I also cannot tell the difference in light from a bare top to the egg crate. The inverts don't seem to either. It's actually made NOT to restrict light. I should have called a "lighting panel" NOT a diffuser.

Because of scratches and salt spray, I've found egg crate restricts light less than glass or plastic.
I use an Artfully Acrylic custom top with Acrylic mesh (1/4"). No noticeable impact on light intensity, 98% open for gas exchange, aesthetically great. Not cheap but a quality product.

BRS sells DIY versions.

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When I had my 300 I used the BRS screen that I purchased from my LFS. It worked great never lost a jawfish, the only issue was the screen was not UV rated and I had to replace every couple of years which was no big deal but I went through two Trane fan blower motors on my ac. Since going to my 180 with glass tops no issues. In my office I have always had either a glass top or Poly carbonate to help with dust and cleaning people.
Why would anyone use plexiglass/acrylic instead of glass for this application? More expensive and much worse light transmission.

My tank top is a piece of glass I bought at HD and cut to order. I think it cost $8. Perfect light transmission, cheap, no holes for jumpers.

I hear the concerns about gas exchange but if you have a sump and a skimmer (and why wouldnt you?), you already have more than enough gas exchange.
People put light diffuser on their lights, so why would this be a bad thing. You would have to have very small fish to jump threw the holes.