Fishing Poll


Premium Member
I was just wondering how many people would be interested in chartering a boat and doing some fishing? I'm going out next Friday with a new captain that speaks English and is suppose to be awesome. If enough people are interested maybe we could set a trip up for September some time. Let me know what you think!


By the way, I went out for 6 hours yesterday and caught 7 yellow fin tuna, 2 bonita, and three mahi over 30 pounds.
nice.. Id be down. as long as it was on a saturday. have to work every sunday.

speaking of boats... my girlfriends uncle has a boat. its smaller than a japanese fishing boat, but can still handle around 8 people. has two big out board motors, sucker flies. anyways, I pretty much have an open invitation to go out with him whenever I want... dont think he'll go way out to get anything like what your talking, but he does know a few good places near the island. just an idea...
and Frank. mid to late Sept would be better for me.

Mike, you keep all of your in you brought it home, or did you sell it to the Market?
I gave some away and kept the rest. I don't usually sell fish. I'll give it away to friends or let it go.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7882207#post7882207 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Dastank
I'm always game for anything! I bet Jeff would be interested also.

Don't think you really need to ask that question. I would like to check out some of the charters here in yomitan...Heard they were cheaper.
I went out with a friend from the marina. We went to Buoy # 7, it's up off of Nago, but outside. 30 miles from Kadena Marina