Fishtank broke while waiting for new one


New member
Hello all,

I've been following this site for 6 years and have learned so much, but this is my first post. I discovered a very small leak in my tank about a week ago. Seems the silicone in one of the tank corners was failing. I took this as an opportunity to order a new red sea reefer 750, which will be delivered this Friday (2 weeks after discovery). I assumed I had plenty of time, but boy was I wrong. Woke up at 3am a few days ago to a "rushing water" sound. Came out and the seal completely broke and all the water was rushing to my floor. I was able to scoop enough water to fill 3 bins, one for my coral, one for my 14 fish, and the 3rd for my liverock. I turned the house heater up to 78, put powerheads in each and filters later that day after my lfs opened up.

Fastforward 4 days later and the coral and fish bins are fine (roughly 25% daily water changes), but the liverock bin smells like rotten eggs (which my pregnant wife is NOT OK WITH), shows 2-3ppm ammonia, and is cloudy. I've done 2 50%ish waterchanges, but it doesn't seem to be helping.

My main question is if I get my new tank delivered in 4 days, will I be able to use this liverock without a cure? I would really hate to not only waste the 6 year biofilter that has been established on the rock, but then I would also have to trade-in all my livestock to the lfs since I'm not willing to set up separate tanks for months while waiting on the cure/cycle.

Any input would be most appreciated! It's been a stressful week.
do you have powerheads in the live rock bin? Do you have lights over it? I'd guess it's algae and other critters dieing off.. i'd try to keep up the water changes, possibly use ammonia binder (not sure if it will help) to reduce toxic ammonia to see if you can keep any additional die off from happening.

What I would do if I were you, Rinse rocks in fresh made saltwater to get rid of dead stuff... place in fresh bin of new saltwater, have powerheads in it and lights over it, try to keep ammonia levels down to prevent more die off... see where it's at when your tank arrives.. if it's still spiking at or higher than .5ppm you don't want to use it till it stays below that level.
Like was said, rinse off the rock and put in new SW. You may get lucky and have a fast cycle since there is already established bacteria.