Flatworm removal - Part DEUX!


In Memoriam
Well ... a day from hell!

work up to ... all fish doing poorly - ALL tangs had white glazed eyes, some fish's eyes were big & popped out of their head.

Death Toll:
1 x Copperbanded Butterflyfish (noon)
1 x Mandrin (afternoon)
1 x Foxface (about to go - tonight)
bunch of snails!

thats just so far ... more to be expected!

I put the Flatworm exit in, and within about 45 seconds flatworms started to loosen fromthe rocks, and float around.
Within 30 minuts the water turned orange.
after an hour the water reaked..... BAD! the house still smells like sh!t!

I have a Phosban 150 filled with carbon running on a MJ1200 ... and a Fluval 204 canister filter with carbon & the filter pads.
The filter pads turned bright orange after an hour of filtering ... wont come out either.

I've got both protein skimmers running on high, i've got 2 x carbon running, the UV ... nto sure what else to do ... the brain(s) stil excrete slime ... 2 of my maybe 100+ polyps of zoanthids have somewhat opened ... kenya trees are slimed over, but extended ... their stem looks like its sucked empty.
My Spaghetti finger leather is extended but limped over - never done that before ... just like the kenya trees.

forget to mention .... scott Helped me with all of this ... we also did 3 major water changes ... about 30g-40g each time ... but my PH dropped from 8.1-8.2 down to 7.6 - 7.7
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8913674#post8913674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
forget to mention .... scott Helped me with all of this ... we also did 3 major water changes ... about 30g-40g each time ... but my PH dropped from 8.1-8.2 down to 7.6 - 7.7

Yea sorry about all the death! I hope I never get flatworms since it was a real pain, and to think there is still some alive so another treatment next weekend...:mad2:
Pulled out the dead mandrin & foxface!

we'll see how the night progresses ... i've only seen 1 of our 2 regal tangs, and the one that we do see, started to slow down on the movement ... he's wedged into his hiding spot .... and is not moving unless he's being touched.

3 down ... how many more to go?
so sorry to hear about your bad luck. I heard of someone else have the same problems with that product on another board. hope the rest of your fish make out ok.
yeah, this sucks .... i just ran some water param tests ..

PH: 7.76
Calcium: 350
Salinity: 1.024 (need to bring that up to 1.027)
Phosphates: .01 ***
Nitrite: .01 - .02 ***

Dosed some B-Ionic (2 part)

now PH started to rise up to 7.94
what is your ammonia level, I'd imagine with all the dead flatworms and the bad smell thats becoming an issue in your tank.... I would have suggested setting up something to stick some of your more valuable corals into until you get the tank back in check. Your doing the best you can by what you described, just try and keep things as stable as possible and be prepared for several things to happen fish wise after this is done. I figured your more sensitive fish would start to go, good luck man, make sure you nuke all the worms for sure since your already knee deep here, cuz one or two can turn into 5 million again real quick.... (i'm sure you know)
i think for now on i am going to use my quarintine tank. set up for 6 monyhs and never used it.
sorry about your misfortune marco
The night went OK ....

NO more death!

The favia is turning black - but no tissue recession ... i'm guessing its really stressed out, other than that the green goniopora looks like ****.

Everything else looks like it will make it just fine - the open brain is pumped up again, the kenya trees are standing up again, the spaghetti finger leather is semi standing, most if not all of my 'cheap' zoanthids are open like normal - my fanzy ones (blue tubs, mean green, red) are not doing so good. we will see throughout the day.

The Powder blue's eyes look better, but still milky glazed - just not as bad.
I've found the 2nd regal tang, hes still in his hiding spot - ther other one came out a few times.
Yellow tang seems to be doing just fine.
Clown fish seems to be doing just fine.
Scooter Blenny is doing fine.

NO SIGNS of the Yellow Choris Wrasse
NO SIGNS of the Highfin Shrimp Gody
NO SIGNS of the

1. Sailfin Tang
2. FoxFace
3. Copperbanded Butterflyfish
4. Mandrin - dragonette

i hope the others show up ... SOON!
So what actually killed everything? The Flat-exit, Or the sudden spike of Ammonia when they started to die?

Hopefully your PBT makes it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8920850#post8920850 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
So what actually killed everything? The Flat-exit, Or the sudden spike of Ammonia when they started to die?

Hopefully your PBT makes it.

It had to be the toxins from the flat worms released. we sucked out a boat load of flatworms the night before, and in the morning before the Flatworm exit everything was in bad shape. we messed up by reusing the water we vacuumed out just used a filter sock to keep flatwrms from going back in. That was a lesson learned. everything was in bad shape the next morning before FWE was even put ion the tank, so I would say FWE is by no means the cause, but toxins from flatworms were.

Things we did wrong

• disturbed worms 12 hours before treatment
• Reused water (we figured since we were gona do a large water change the next day it would be OK)
• should have run carbon after disturbomg worms
• should have romoved all rocks and swished them in other bucket of water and vacuumed more worms out before FWE

I have done alot of reading over the last 2 days about this stuff, and it seems if you don't have a bad case of them, and you treat according to directions you would be OK. but he had them in a bad way, and they seem to be some toxic little bastids.
That Sux... I've never been one to quarantine anything, But after reading Wiz's post the past 1-1/2 weeks it might be a good idea for me to start.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8921440#post8921440 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ConcreteReefer
That Sux... I've never been one to quarantine anything, But after reading Wiz's post the past 1-1/2 weeks it might be a good idea for me to start.

I don't think quarentine is the anwser, but rather a dip before introduction. I have looked into it, and there are several recomended coral dips out there. The only thing I have heard of is several people getting flatworms from chaeto, and dipping it is not an option as it would kill the pods as well.
What scott said ... scott had this bright idea of starting that evening ... and of course i jumped up & said .. OK, LETS DO IT!

1. Scott didn't know better
2. I didn't know better!

oh well ... I'm not blaming scott! By the morning I was about to cry .. walked out & damn near everything looked like it was about a stroke away from being dead.

We did sucking out a SH!T LOAD of them ... and i'm kind of wondering how bad the toxins would've been if we wouldn't have siphoned them out before ...

I just started Round 2 of FWE about an hour & 1/2 ago ... turned on carbon & UV about 45 minutes ago .... PH is rising!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8921462#post8921462 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by keinreis
I don't think quarentine is the anwser, but rather a dip before introduction. I have looked into it, and there are several recomended coral dips out there. The only thing I have heard of is several people getting flatworms from chaeto, and dipping it is not an option as it would kill the pods as well.

A dip would be more beneficial .. in a quarantine, i guess you could see if anything else will start to develope & watch it grow.

I'm not sure where they came from ... if they came boardroom on the cheatomorpho .... then why did i have just a few in the sump where the cheato went right away, and millions in the display?

I don't know ... i've been trying to figure out where i may have gotten that stuff from ... it may have been boardroom - since jonathan told me they had it in one of their tanks a little while back, and it may have been one i got a frag out of.
I think we are fixed now ... but i'll keep my eyes on it for the next few weeks.

Tonights dosing went smooth - but i didn't have a whole bottle ... i used some on the rocks lisa returned to me ... those were covered with flatworms as well.

We will probaby do lisas tank on tuesday - just because a certain store is open late (9PM) in case something happens.

I've already got a game plan!
tomorrow morning I will bring a rubbermaid tote over to lisas house - start making saltwater .. one completed i will somehow plumb the rubbermaid tote onto lisas tank ... to expand her water volume ... to decrease the toxic effect of tuesdays dosing...... what do you think?