Flatworms and fragging...

introducing pesticides into your reef should be last resort.Using pig dewormer (levamasole)regularly will do a nice job killing your worm and microbe population and create a environment that is not optimal for corals(and the added negative of producing a super bug from immunity to this chemical).Corals will possibly live but not thrive as the missing link in the food chain is broken and they struggle to expell the poisens you added to their envioro.My advise,If you have a excess in any one animal in your reef,i suggest using every possible bio logical control(predator for that pest) and exhaust all these methods before adding any pesticides. If you have algae,stock heavy with herbivores.If you have flat worm,stock heavy with reef safe worm predators,ie wrasses,mandarins,etc...If your population of worm predators is done correctly and in good density the FW will go away.These are not the AEFW or even red bugs as the latter consume corals quickly so using a atomic bomb to kill red planaria in a 300 gallon or large reef will set you back to square one with microbial life again.Keeping a reef stable and healthy for years and building the diversity in micro fauna and animal species is what makes it great.Knocking down the hard work and dedication it takes to achieve a mature reef is counter productive to your goal and only a quick remedy to your apparent problem.The loss of your worm population will be your problem which does not become apparent easily or have a quick remedy.