For those of you who've been following Iwan's Thread: , I'm going to be trying the Prodibio products on my reef tank. I've been in contact with Prodibio, and am interested in becoming a US Distributor of their products.
I'm eagerly awaiting my Prodibio products via airmail. I'm also taking some baseline readings of my saltwater for PO4 and NO3. I've already taken one sample from my aquarium and ran a test on it for Nitrates which came back undetectable via SeaChem nitrate test kit. I was going to try a Salifert kit , but have since read that the SeaChem is as good for testing Nitrates. I also checked the Seachem reference sample and my test kit read it properly.
For testing PO4, I'm lucky enough to have a friend who manages a lab and is willing to test my total phospherous levels for me using an ascorbic acid procedure which is performed on an Auto Analyzer which is EPA 365.4 approved (whatever that means?). I've taken one 250mL sample already (on 2/2) which has been collected in a phospherous free sample bottle and preserved by the addition of sulfuric acid. I will take another baseline sample on 2/9 before I start any Prodibio additions. That is when he'll test these first two samples and give me the results. He mentioned that there will be additional calculations to figure out the PO4 vs. the total phospherous readings.
I will record every single time I perform any maintenance to my tank over the next 10 weeks, and highlight anything out of the ordinary (such as on Wednesday when I'm getting another frag shipment from kmagyar ). It is almost impossible to perform a truly scientific test, but I will try to keep my routine as regular as possible and will avoid adding any fish or inverts during this period of time.
I feed exactly 2 cubes of Marine Angelfish food and 1 cube of Prime Reef every two days, and will continue this feeding schedule. I will test NO3 every week, and PO4 on the 6th week and 10th week. If the prodibio helps lower my phosphate readings, and no one has struck a distributorship deal with Prodibio, I'll be flying to France to meet with Mr. Rodriguez and discuss a business venture with him.
I'm certain that if this stuff works, Prodibio will definitely be available inside the US very soon. I definitely will publish my results here on RC, but for business purposes alone, I will not be publishing any of my test results until April/May of this year.