Prodibio dosing update:
2/9 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
2/14 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
2/24 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
2/25 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
3/4 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
3/11 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
3/12 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
3/18 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
3/25 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
3/29 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
4/4 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
4/8 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
4/15 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
4/22 - dosed 3.5 vials Bioptim +1 vial Biodigest
4/29 - dosed 1 vial Reefbooster
Samples taken for PO4 testing:
2/2 - .045 ppm phosphate
2/9 - .045 ppm phosphate
3/21 - .040 ppm phosphate
4/21 - .040 ppm phosphate
After getting my last PO4 test result back, I'm now even a bit more skeptical of Prodibio's claims of Phosphate reduction.
Please let it be known that the testing I've had done is very different from the testing most aquarists use. My samples were tested using extremely accurate lab grade equipment which tests for total phospherous. I then had to convert the total phospherous levels to phosphate using a conversion formula.
There is also the factor of my test being non-scientific. Although I tried to keep my parameters as constant as I could (fed the same amount every day, didn't add or remove any fish, etc...), there were a few changes over the past two months. I added CaCl to raise my Ca levels over a one week period, I lost about 3 hermit crabs due to unknown causes, I removed two gorilla crabs, I upgraded my Korallin reactor to an MTC ProCal, and I reduced my photoperiod by one hour per day.
Being neither a Marine Biologist, nor a chemist, I'm not sure how much any of these changes factor into the equation.
My next plan of action is to completely stop dosing the Prodibio products for the next two months and see how my tank responds.
My current parameters are:
Ca - 420ppm
Alk - 10dkh
ph - 8.05 to 8.3
NO3 - not detectable
PO4 - .040 (not detectable on Seachem)
I'm still noticing decent growth. I'll post some updated pics sometime in the next few days.