flow/algae question


New member
I want to get some opinions on the topic of flow... im getting some algae (diatoms, and a bit of red slime) on my sandbed from not having enough flow on the lower half of the tank. the problem is mainly on both tank sides, along front of glass on the sand, and behind the scoly in the mid of tank. I was thinking of adding a small pair of minijets 606 one on each side of tank under the koralias. I could just move the koralias around to help with the algae but the slightest movement on the pumps (especially the koralia 4 on the right) creates a sandstorm. I think the minijets are weak but i dont think i need much more flow but just a bit more and at 160gph for each i think it would move enough water to stop the algae and not create a sandstorm. I want very small pumps because i want to conceal them as much as possible but strong enough so that i can put them on the back glass under the koralias and the flow make it around to the front of the tank. Any other ideas on a small powerful pump w/ suction cups that will fit on the glass under the koralias and get the job done??? Take a look at the full tank shot to get an idea as to what im saying...



Thanks guys,
yes, you can have your returns redirected to flush behind the rocks facing down that will force the water to me out through the bottom of and behind the rock formation, forcing any detritus out and solving your flow problem in that area.
at the beginning you will have a little sand storm coming from behind but once that settles you will be much happier
I concur with Rogger. My outlets on my 150 are coming into the tank straight down the back wall. Recently reset up my 65 gal that has a dual outlet loc-line setup like yours. I pointed those down behind the rock work as well. Works out well.
I also agree with Rogger, but remember when putting the returns lower you will also siphon more water from the returns into the sump if there was a power failure.

So remember to put a siphon break or a swing check valve on the return pipe to minimize backflow into the sump.

The end result should be good though if everything is done right!