Flow control during feed pause


Premium Member
I have 3 Tunze 6055's in my system and I would like one of them to operate at the minimum flow (30%) during the feed pause.

Under pump control, I have set the tunze pump to min 30%, max 100%, and "at minimum" during the feed pause. The problem is that during the feed pause, the pump stops. The controller is indicating that it is operating at 30%, but the propeller is motionless.

Anyone else experience this? Any thoughts?

The 1-10 v interface on your pump channels
should be set to 3v min and 8 volt max

I have 2 6055's and they work corectly with the above setting
I have the 1-10v interface set to 3v min and 8v max.

I have tested the feed pause with the 3rd Tunze 6055 at minimum (30%, 50% and 80%) as well as on "uninvolved" and with all of these settings, it simply stops turning.

I tested the feed pause with the 1st Tunze 6055 and it worked as intended (it works nicely with a 10% minimum during the feed pause, it's just in the wrong place). I'll try swapping the 6055's between pump control 1,2 and 3 to see if it is the pumps themselves or the controller...
-> this is the problem

they are switched off during feeding pause if the function is set to "pump x"

1.) use wall outlet or 2.) set function of powerbar socket to "always on"