Flow question


New member
Looking to get input on the following

Right now I have a 6105 and a 6055

The 6105 is on a single controller and the 6055 is not on any controller

I was thinking of getting a 7096 multi controller but will I be able to produce some nice waves with this combo?

My tank is 48x24x20 high and have the following corals

2 rbtas
Candy canes
Green slimer
Idaho grape
Red cap
Various torches and frogspawn
Various leather corals
Birds nest

I was also considering trading my 6105 for two older 6055s to get more coverage

I'm leaning toward having three 6055s in my tank or should I opt on getting one more 6105 and replacing the shrouds but my understanding is that these are not wave pumps per se or at least not designed to be wave pumps

Looking to create some undertow so I can stir up the detritus on my BB tank ml

Also what is the difference between the older style 6055s and the newer ones other than the aluminum shaft?

Can I just get a new assembly and replace the plastic shaft?

Thanks in advance for your input

Don't care for a wavebox due to the footprint.
If you want a wave in all honesty get a Nano Wavebox(yes will work in your tank and not near as big), in the end you will be happier. If you had 2 6105s you might be able to create a wave but the pumps will be cycling so fast you will not be making good use of them IMO. Plus the 6105 may click. In my 90 I ran 4 6055s and loved it, depending on your return setup 3 may enough, or you may find one side of the tank lacking.

My opnion would be for sure get a 7096 no matter which way you go, and start with what you have and see what you think once both pumps are cycling. With the types of corals you have it may be enough. If you are happy but just want to spread the flow out a bit could always just swap the housing on the 6105 and see what that gains you. If it does not do anything for you could likely sell it relatively easily and not be out a large amount of money and then do something else. Or if you like it then get the 2nd 6105.

The difference is the shaft (though very few 6055s had the old shaft, was more common on the 6025/45 which were released first. Older 6055s did click though which as fixed with an impeller revision.
I think Shawn hit everything but mainly you would just need 6055.700 and 6025.740 to update your 6055.
Just purchased a 7096...can't wait for it to arrive.....so now the question is 2 x 6105 with 6205 shrouds or 4x6055.......
I would probably stick with 4 6055's or two 6105's at 12V, I see no need for the wider outlet, your tank is not that wide. That would be practical only if your tank was say 48 by 30 by 30.