flow rate over clams


Premium Member
Hi all I have a few clams on areas of the sand bed where the flow is pretty high and causes their mantles to get pushed down a little like an umbrella, and I think it might be too much for them, unfortunately I don't really have space in the tank other than the spots they are in right now, and other spots I move them to their mantles blow upwards a bit, not too much but enough to notice. Anyways any input would be appreciated. Thanks.
I had the same problem and sand was always kicking up and the clams were inhaling it. I built a small clam lagoon surrounded with live rock walls for them to block current. It looks pretty nice, I'll probably start placing some acros or maybe some plating montis along the edges and let them grow out over the lagoon. I'll just have to frag them when they begin to shade the clams.
I would consider my clams to be in moderate flow. Every once in a while a little burst of flow will cause a mantle to push up or down. Doesn't seem to bother the clams one bit. If there was so much flow that sand was being kicked up around the clams, then I might be a little more concerned.
Hmm, well considering my sand is oolitic and the sand doesn't get blown around then I think the flow is ok, but the mantles to get pushed around once in a while, I did manage to find better spots for a few of the clams though.
Similar to justletmein's method - if you have xenia, they are the perfect coral to slow down the flow of water on the sand. I have lots of xenia surrounding my clams and at the front corners of the tank.
Cool thanks very much for the tip, I actually found/made new spots in the tank and the clams like their new homes a lot better.