Flow sensor connection



I have a flow sensor for my Profilux3 and was hoping to find some videos or at least some photos / diagrams of how to connect it to my existing plumping.

I have instructions from GHL but im still unsure how to connect it up.

My plumping is using soft piping.
I also have a media reactor off my return pump.

Does anyone have any photos, step by step instructions on what fittings they needed to purchase and how they fitted this device to their plumping that they can share with me?

Unfortunately not if you are in the USA. (fill out your location in your user profile)
There is a thread I started a few threads down from this one last year.
Basically we have a fancy gizmo that is of no use until GHL either finds/offers a fitting or redesigns the flow sensor's ends.
I'm in Oz so I don't think I have the libations of finding the connectors like the guys in the U.S.
I'm just very new to setting up a tank and a picture or YouTube video goes a long way for me:)