flow suggestion for 180


Premium Member
I'm having a 180g built 48L X 36W X 24D. Its going to be a BB, with mostly SPS and zoos all located in the middle, lps and clams here and there. I was planning on getting 6100 w/ 7095 controller and looking for suggestion on how i should position the stream. I'm thinking of two option. Also the return will be about 1000gph aiming back to the overflow.

Option 1: "tunze 1" will be hang 4" below water pointing straight to the other side. "tunze 2" will hang 4" above the bottom of the tank pointing straight to the other side. Both stream are located in the external box. external box measuring 5"X6" to fit the 6100.


Option 2: Bothe "tunze 1" and "tunze 2" will be hang 4" below water pointing diagonal toward the corner of other side. external box measuring 7"X5" to fit the 6100.


Which option would you suggest? Or do you have another suggestion? Is the 6100 to much flow or should i go with 6000 or 1 6100 and 1 6000?
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I cannot recommend a built in installation like that, it is not possible to say with certainty where the pumps should be placed, these are only guesses. If I am wrong you cannot move them. Second the pumps demand a very large volume of water, more than most overflows can handle. The 6100's are on the strong side for your tank but the 6000's are likely not enough so I would get the 6100's but you need absolute flexibility in finding the right position so I simply cannot advise in this situation other than do not build them in.
okay, i guess it won't be to bad to have them against the black side inside the tank. Would you recommend a 6100 and 6000 w/ 7095. Where i'm thinking of placing the 6100 4-6" below water pointing slighty down toward the other side of glass. And the 6000 near the bottom pointing upward to the other side of the glass.
I would just point the straight across about 6" below the surface, they move a 24" section of water the 6100 covers 7ft, the 6000 covers 4ft.
It would but the flow would be much heavier on one side than the other and you lose some of the randomness two pumps can provide.
thanks roger, i'm going to go with 1 6000 and 1 6100 and the controller. The 6000 is going to be use in area where the some lps, zoo and clam demand a little less flow.