

In Memoriam
Hey everyone getting Ready to start adding stoneys i have a 125 gallon long aquarium i want to put in a wave maker and some power heads to acheive flow adequate for stoneys need sugesstions on Brand and GPH i was thing of 4 power heads on a wave maker what do you guys think?
For a 125... I'm guessing you've already got a return pump producing a little flow...

With a budget of a few hundred... You can see if you can pick up 2 vortechs off of the RC equipment selling forum. They frequently pass by at around $350 for new in the box ones. If you can find a Tunze 6100 or 6200 package (2 pumps+controller) for your price range, that would work as well.
if you want to go cheaper...look for either the sureflow 1600, ecomod, or theres another maximod out there. but also...cheaper is cheaper. I would recommend spending the money and doing it right the first time!
i have an iwaki md 100 as a main pump and it has flow but not what i need for stoneys how many do you think i was thunking of 4 but it might be over kill
I don't think that Korallias (even the 4s) will give you the flow you want in a 125 6' tank. I've got a K4 and I can't feel it across my 120, which is 4'. I've got 2 seio 1100s, but I'm looking to upgrade in the near future, if I can ($$$).

Also with the Korallias and the red sea wave maker, you're going to get a lot of differing opinions on whether or not to do that. I believe Pedromatic has been running them for for a while on that wavemaker, but most peole would not suggest it. A better controller, though significantly more expensive, is the Seio controller, for Seio pumps, but it works on any of those type of powerheads.
That's why I suggested the Vortechs, as they're as low profile as you can find in a powerhead.

You can always do a closed loop, but that's WAAAY more effort than just sticking a powerhead to the side of the tank.

You could even up your main pump and put eductors on the outlets in the tank, but it just won't make much of a difference unfortunately.
I believe so, and I would take those two and set them to make your tank wave back and forth like a tunze wavebox for added effect. All programmable with the wireless driver.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11377911#post11377911 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Reefer26
i have an iwaki md 100 as a main pump and it has flow but not what i need for stoneys

OM 4-way - ~$300 (used)
4 eductors - ~$120
plumbing - $80

$500 total

Since you already have a pressure rated pump, this would be an insane amount of flow and very variable.
Like Jeff said the OM is nice but it will take up more space inside the canopy, due to plumbing. It is a nice unit though as I have seen them in action.

I opted for the Vortechs. I have two coming next week. I like the fact that they are slim and do not transfer much heat since all powered equipment remains outside the tank.

Check out their forum here on RC and you can see them in action. One guys posted a video of two in his 180 I believe and he was getting a nice wave back and forth across the tank.



Currently I have 1 SEIO 1500, and 2 SEIO 1100s in my 90. With a MAG12 return. I get a lot of flow but it is more linear in some areas.
IMO I know there's not many fans around I will most def do a loop.

I run 3x 6100 3 x6045 because did not took the time to do a loop which would have taken all them pumps out of my tank.

I go back and forth between PH's and a loop. This tank I have ph's the next will have a loop and perhaps wavebox for supplementation. My two cents.