Fluconazole AND Vibrant for Cladophoropsis (nasty turf/gha type algae)


It's Dr. Goodluck Himself
So the history here is long. See:

I ended up bleaching the system, acid etching the rock, and starting over.

A sample sent to an RC contact in Guam put it under a microscope and identified as cladophoropsis with "good luck" as the essential message. Even with the bleaching, etc.

Apparently some survived. At first sign, I started trying Fluconazole as per:

I'm in there.

I tried first at the "standard" dose and it seemed to clear up the small patch after three weeks. Came back in about 3 weeks. So tried again with aggressive GFO. Sort of helped I thought. Came back. Doubled dose. Even tripled. But with skimmer off things went kind of south.

Water change, carbon heavy, skim heavy, regroup.

Now, did another double-dose Fluconazole with aggressive GFO. But a twist. My 50gal saltwater make-up bin I also dosed with double-dose Fluconazole. Doing 10-20 gal water changes (250 gal system) weekly to export waste and keep dose steady.

Algae continued to spread. Fast.

THEN added the "dirty water" dose of Vibrant. I have had this going two weeks now. 80% of the cladophoropsis has turned brown. A couple patches have remained green but they are small. Many are just gone. Fish picking at it as it turns as far as I can tell.

Skimming is set to dry, mostly to just remove most waste. Water change regimen with fluc continues.

No pics here yet but will put some soon. Mostly want to chronicle.

And.... has anyone else tried this?
I had a bad case of green turf algae just under a year ago. Tried fluco and it didn’t work. I tried vibrant after and it kicked it all out in a couple doses. Some small patches came back after a couple weeks, but then I did one more dose and it hasn’t been back since.

Not saying I have the same stuff you had but it worked for me
You bleached and acid washed the rocks, and it came back? Jesus....

I can't say I've had to deal with that, working through a major case of GHA right now though. Flucon in two weeks or so, giving it another week then back to business as usual for the tank. So far cleaned up quite a bit, but with lack of water change and skimming and carbon, I'm noticing some slime starting to appear. Was planning to dose some Vibrant after the W/C simply as a boost for the bacterial population.
Before Vibrant/Fluconazole combo (just fluconazole)


Two weeks on both
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I've been dosing Vibrant for about 2 months now. I originally purchased it hoping that it would help eradicate a really tough, moss-like Turf algae. Not only has it cleared up all signs of Turf algae, but it killed all of my Bubble algae as well.

You can see the difference on the rock in these 2 pics:


My rocks are completely bare with no signs of Turf or Bubble algae. :bigeyes:
I've been dosing Vibrant for about 2 months now. I originally purchased it hoping that it would help eradicate a really tough, moss-like Turf algae. Not only has it cleared up all signs of Turf algae, but it killed all of my Bubble algae as well.

You can see the difference on the rock in these 2 pics:


My rocks are completely bare with no signs of Turf or Bubble algae. :bigeyes:

nice growth on that coral too!
was wondering if the OP is still around. any update?

i have this devil algae, i'm trying fluconazole atm but doesnt seem to be shifting it. tempted to give vibrant a go.

did you win your battle? has it stayed away?
Yes still around.

Yes all gone and stayed away.

Some cyano from vibrant but backed off vibrant to one dose a month
Did you experience any SPS tissue loss? I started vibrant a couple of months ago, it reduced my No3 and Po4 to ULNS levels then my Alk/lights bleached all SPS frags.

Since I've backed off the Vibrant the turf algae is making a come back. Trying to weigh the options moving forward.
Not only were there zero problems, acros have colored up better and grown faster than before. But I run an older style system phosphate free (gfo), dsb etc.
GFO during Vibrant dosing might be the trick. Soak up all those free nutrients while the algae is getting its butt kicked!
Not only were there zero problems, acros have colored up better and grown faster than before. But I run an older style system phosphate free (gfo), dsb etc.
Did you got rid of the algae problem?
Do you think red turf algae will be killed with floconazole and vibrant?
It is so solved that I had forgotten about this thread! I realized later that I was accidentally sent the FW vibrant. Obviously no problems. My sps growth has been crazy wild since!