Fluval Evo 5 g as Dwarf Seahorse Tank?

Curious if Fluval Evo 5 g could work wall as Dwarf Seahorse Tank?

Could this tank work? I would be feeding fresh hatched brine and I researched dwarf care well.

Any suggestions or other suggestions for a tank for dwarfs would be great! I'm hoping to keep gorgonians, macro algae and a few safe softies.

I think you may have trouble keeping your parameters stable with that small of a tank. I would go with 20 gallons or more.
I think you may have trouble keeping your parameters stable with that small of a tank. I would go with 20 gallons or more.

That is typically what I would think too, but I have read several people say that dwarf seahorses d0 best in tanks 5 gallons or less so that the food (freshly hatched baby brine shrimp) is not too spread out enought so it does not get eaten.

I would plan to do 20% water changes 1-2 times per week.
Dwarfs are not easy to keep. I tried and ultimately lost the battle. Your going to want bare bottom. Your going to need to figure out how to keep the overflow grate clean, as you need to put a mesh on it the keep the little ponies in the display portion. Especially if your lucky and they have babies. Get panacure to have on hand.

I personally think that before you purchase a tank or especially before you purchase the horses. Pick a task that you absolutely hate doing that will take you about hour everyday. Then do said task for at least 6 months without fail and then. Think about getting dwarf seahorses. This might seem extreme but I'd also throw in a challenge to have fresh hatched artemia every day every 24 hours along side of the task you choose.

I say this as life's challenges never stay flat. They come and go. However those dwarfs will always be there with their same needs day in and day out. It gets tiresome