Active member
All Frags have been pickup. Its time to get this started. :celeb1::beer:
PARTICIPANTS: please start a new thread on here with the title: "Coral Contest Update #1". In the thread please post 3 pictures....2 of the coral one from the side, one from the top. Third picture will be a Full Tank Shot.
Also please do a quick write up of your system. ex. size, flow, light, placement of the competition piece, coral food, fish, etc.
NON PARTICIPANTS: This is an opportunity for you to learn from other members of FMAS on how they do things. Also an opportunity to ask questions. We all learn from everyone here. :reading::reading:
Approx every month another update will be requested for 6 months. At that time the BOD (and one or two members not on BOD) will pick a winner, and the prize distributed.
Lets have some fun with this!!!! :bounce2::lolspin:
PARTICIPANTS: please start a new thread on here with the title: "Coral Contest Update #1". In the thread please post 3 pictures....2 of the coral one from the side, one from the top. Third picture will be a Full Tank Shot.
Also please do a quick write up of your system. ex. size, flow, light, placement of the competition piece, coral food, fish, etc.
NON PARTICIPANTS: This is an opportunity for you to learn from other members of FMAS on how they do things. Also an opportunity to ask questions. We all learn from everyone here. :reading::reading:
Approx every month another update will be requested for 6 months. At that time the BOD (and one or two members not on BOD) will pick a winner, and the prize distributed.
Lets have some fun with this!!!! :bounce2::lolspin: