FMAS Coral Restoration Foundation Dive Trip scheduled for July 2014

Had a GREAT time diving with Coral Restoration Foundation! Thanks Marvin for arranging this wonderful experience!

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Tried to embed a slide show. I'll try to post pics up later.

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A couple pics from the event.

It has always been a goal of FMAS to make a donation to CRF. On July 12th, we donated $5,000 to the Coral Restoration Foundation, a 501c3 Organization.

As we sat thru the orientation and training, I realized even more, the importance of the work they are doing is. As a hobbyist, there are people that believe we only take from the ocean. On this day, FMAS members helped restore the reef. As a fisherman, I have seen first hand how a reef has a positive affect on fish populations. When we first saw the CRF nursery a few years back, it was pretty much a UW desert with minimal fish populations. On our dive, I have never seen so many hog fish in one place. There were schools of juvenile yellow tail snapper and mangrove snapper swimming in and out of the coral trees. It was amazing. And as a father, I hope I can dive these same reefs with my child and they see the payoff of CRF's effort with stag horn and elk horn reef populations as plentiful as they once were before.









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