FMAS diving at the Coral Restoration Foundation!


New member
OK, who is interested?!

We are planning a dive at the Coral Restoration Foundation (CRF) for Saturday, July 21st. YOU can help plant aqua-cultured corals from the CRF site onto a specific location at Molasses Reef (after a short briefing session).

The CRF is a non-profit conservation organization created to develop off-shore coral nurseries and reef restoration programs for critically endangered coral reefs at local, national, and international levels. And we want to help them!

The fee for the trip is $60, and this will include the boat trip out to the reef with tanks included. Space is limited to 20 divers, so don't wait until the last minute to sign up! Email me at if you have any questions, or if you would like to join us!

From CRFs website:

Give back to the ocean. This is a great opportunity for those that have never done this and those that want to do it again. As Gayle mentioned seats are limited. I suggest you hurry and sign up before FMAS opens up this went to the other local clubs. This is a fun and rewarding event.

I have not seen any where else where you can dive this cheap on a boat with air included. search for my photo thread if youd like to see past pics.
Marvin are you going?

I come home the thursday before from a 5 day vacation in the keys.... It sucks I've been waiting for this event... But I don't really want to make the drive twice lol If youre going for the day maybe I can hitch a ride with you? Lmk
Marvin are you going?

I come home the thursday before from a 5 day vacation in the keys.... It sucks I've been waiting for this event... But I don't really want to make the drive twice lol If youre going for the day maybe I can hitch a ride with you? Lmk

Shoot me a text.
That's exactly what I meant Marv! Will definitely bring the scuba gear and certification cards. Any pics from the last time?
Great job organizing this Gayle. Thank you!!!!

Last year knee surgery prevented me from going. Now School!!! :furious::thumbdown
OK, I have a bunch of people signed up already, but there are still some spots left and I know you guys don't wanna be left out! :p
Brian Williams just did a story on our local coral restoration program on the 630 national news. Spreading the good word!
This was actually one of the reasons why wife and I wanted to be certified. Super excited!

Convinced wife to get certified- check
Got certified May 18th- check
Hit couple reefs in Key Largo- check
Won sealife Dc800 camera on ebay - check
Going to CRF Dive July 21st- check

Life is good!

bump....only 10 days left!!!

Any updates? I will prob need to rent some gear (bc, reg, suit). Will rental equip be avail?

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