FMAS diving at the Coral Restoration Foundation!

Someone should be reaching out to you very soon. I had to leave our board meeting early on Tuesday and this was discussed. We've had challenges with rescheduling a new dive. So I believe a decision was made to refund everyone.
Someone should be reaching out to you very soon. I had to leave our board meeting early on Tuesday and this was discussed. We've had challenges with rescheduling a new dive. So I believe a decision was made to refund everyone.

Yes decision was made to refund. Please contact Gayle (gkugelman on Rc). Give her your address for refund checks.

If we manage to reschedule we will advise.
If you would like to schedule a dive on your own, go to the coral restoration foundation website for dive shops that book with them.
@ Eddie status update....are refund checks going to be sent out this month? I've been in contact with Gayle and she said info was forward to treasurer.
Sorry JC and others. FMAS BOD have not met due to MACNA Dallas preparation (many on FMAS BOD also sit on MACNA committee) :(

By now all that paid should have been reached out to by Gayle. We expect to meet this weekend and will draw up checks then.

Yes but Treasurer needs signatures on checks, :)
BUMP! Marvin/Gayle is FMAS going to give this another run this year?? I still really want to do this!!!!
We are working on this. Just be patient. :)

Those that aren't certified. Get certified :)

Once we have a date for a dive, the details will be posted.


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