FMAS FRAG SWAP & EXPO, March 9, 2008

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11837713#post11837713 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
I know Julian Sprung, what is Martin Moe known for?
From a 2003 introduction at another guest speakership

Martin Moe has a masters degree in marine biology, and has worked as lifeguard, a teacher, a fishery biologist, a marine fish breeder, and a writer.
He began breeding marine fish, pompano, in 1969 and then developed the techniques for breeding clownfish in 1972.

He started Aqualife Research in 1973 with clownfish and goby culture and then moved the company to the Florida Keys in 1975.
There, the company continued to breed clownfish and other species, but concentrated on developing a method for breeding the large Atlantic angelfish, the French and the gray.
This effort was biologically but not economically successful.

The company moved to Walker's Cay in the Bahamas in the mid 1980s and concentrated on commercial clownfish culture.
Martin became a bit "burned out" with running a fish hatchery and in the late 80s, and turned to writing and publishing books with his wife Barbara.

Barbara was very good for Martin. They met in 1959 over a cup of coffee; she married him, put him through school, had three kids, edited and published their books, and generally kept the whole show on the road.

Martin wrote The Marine Aquarium Handbook, first edition published in 1982, which was very influential in the development of the marine aquarium hobby.
The Marine Aquarium Reference followed in 1989 and since then he and Barbara have published a comprehensive book on spiny lobsters, Lobsters: Florida, Bahamas, and the Caribbean, a book on Breeding the Orchid Dottyback, and The Marine Aquarists' Quiz Book.
The new edition of the Reference will update everything in the previous editions and include much more basic data and information on captive marine systems.

Martin and Barbara now live in old house on the beach in Islamorada in the Florida Keys.
The last three years have been a whirlwind of moving, working on the old house, trying to write, and of course, working with marine life and the fragile coral reef environment of the Florida Keys.
A current project is working with the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to restore the keystone herbivore, the long spined sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, to the reefs of the Keys.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11837713#post11837713 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
I know Julian Sprung, what is Martin Moe known for?

in the early 90's when i got into marine aquariums the BEST resources I had at the time was Martin Moe's books. Today i have jump into keeping a reef without reading a single book, times have change so much data here and on the net in general. He wrote about nano aquariums I know today it is a common thing but not back then he was ahead of the curve. I could not find one person that had small aquariums.
when i first started keeping aquariums back in 1995 i was given a copy of his book. i still have it, definitely a lot of good information in it, especially for the time period it was written, the hobby has expanded a great deal since then, but none the less am very glad we get a chance to hear him speak
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11837804#post11837804 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by loyalrogue
A current project is working with the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary to restore the keystone herbivore, the long spined sea urchin, Diadema antillarum, to the reefs of the Keys. [/B]
They just ran a show on Tuesday night on PBS,that showed Martin Moe's home set up.Many tanks filled with Diadema urchins-which they are trying to mass spawn & then be able to return the offspring to the reefs.I just happened to flick through the channel & caught it.
i saw that program, now i know who you are talking about. they also had Ken from sealifeinc talking about fragging stony corals from the keys and replanting them in the reefs that are bleached.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11850350#post11850350 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jessp
i saw that program, now i know who you are talking about. they also had Ken from sealifeinc talking about fragging stony corals from the keys and replanting them in the reefs that are bleached.

Off topic but what channel is this on? I never see any ocean related shows on anymore. All the programs that used to have wildlife now have like mythbusters etc.



ps I like mythbusters lol
Bumped from page 8.

Tonight's the last chance to pay up membership dues, or else wait in line to get into the Frag Swap.
I don't remember ever getting a membership card from last year?
Will they be available at the meeting?

Checks and cash only, no Paypal link yet, right?

I realise it takes time to create a custom database integrated app to handle everything automatically, but it seems a simple "Buy it now" button would be easier than the manual method of writing everything down at the meetings by hand, collecting checks, correlating everything, and driving to the bank.

Paypal would send the club an email with the each paying member's name, address, email, etc. which could just be copied and pasted into the database when it's finally finished.

(Yes I'm lazy, want to just click a button,... and I have too much $ in my paypal account and not enough in my pocket. :p)
Crap yea I really need to register... I need that table too... I may be calling in some favors since the Paypal hasn't gotten up yet.

Email or pm jeffbrig. He is the vice president and his wife Christy is running the show. She will be able to answer your question about the tables.
Hey Matt, How's things?

naw, I don't need a table. I'm not looking to be a vendor, just lookin' to hear what Martin Moe has to say and maybe pick up some frags or whatever. I'm looking to restock after a murphy hit (high temps/chiller quit/away on long weekend) to the fishroom last summer.
can I just show up, sign up, pay my dues, and enter?
I was told they were. But I am not sure if that was confirmed.

Hey Rick. Doing pretty good. Hope to see you there and talk some. I'll buy you a beer, off campus, of course.