FMAS Garage Sale???


New member
When I used to live in Orlando they used to have a "Garage Sale." It was hosted in the parking lot of one of the stores that was very big with the club. People were required to bring their own tables and chairs. and it was like a little flea market of all aquarium stuff. Lots of good finds and an easy way to get rid of some of those extra things taking up space in the house.

Would anyone be interested in something like this? I just spent some time cleaning my garage and have been finding stuff everywhere! Just an idea, thought I'd throw it out onto the table!
Its called the frag swap FMAS does this a few times a year and we have one where everyone brings in the used equipment....
I should probably become a member already.. Just always working during meetings.. But schedule has changed so now is perhaps the best te.. MACNA next month...
Become a member ....we need your assistance with MACNA .....come out to the meetings and help out with MACNA now is a perfect time to get involved ....
As MATT mentioned, but ill correct him on the details.

The Frag Swap is in the Spring. We allow commercial members to bring in stuff as well as some members.

In the Fall we have a "Swap meet". This is where members (no commercial) can bring all there extra equipment, extra frags, and anything aquarium related for swap, or sale.
Become a member ....we need your assistance with MACNA .....come out to the meetings and help out with MACNA now is a perfect time to get involved ....
Indeed, when is the next meeting and what is the membership fee? Should I send an email as I believe I read in another thread about MACNA volunteering?
About time :)


I am a member now Marvin til July 2014! woohoo!!!

Wish I would have become a member a few months ago when you guys went to Living Color, been watching FTK alot lately and I really like the show.. seems like a great field trip to go on especially if you guys were able to see their new quarantine warehouse which I just saw last night.. looks pretty cool..

I also sent Eddie an e-mail for volunteering.. all in for the team!

I am a member now Marvin til July 2014! woohoo!!!

Wish I would have become a member a few months ago when you guys went to Living Color, been watching FTK alot lately and I really like the show.. seems like a great field trip to go on especially if you guys were able to see their new quarantine warehouse which I just saw last night.. looks pretty cool..

I also sent Eddie an e-mail for volunteering.. all in for the team!

Thanks! WE have a couple more cool events planned. Stay tuned :fun4: