foam for stand? need opinions please...


New member
what is the reason for the foam on top of the stand? i was thinking it might be to level out the top incase there are bumps on the surface and stuff... i doubt it is for insulation? i figure there is more lost on an open top then the bottom going through my deep sand bed?

anyways, let me know any input... i was just going to ply wood it then put the tank on top... but i am havin doubts now...

glass tank, so i guess i might need to foam it? am i totally wrong, what is the foam used for? i know i have seen it it many builds... i guess never asked why...

thanks for your help guys!!!

The foam is necessary for acrylic tanks because they have to have a solid bottom. It is used to even out small irregularities in the surface of the supporting material. Glass tanks generally don't need a solid surface across the bottom at all. All of their support comes from the edges of the sheet of glass which is usually elevated on a plastic lip. This is possible with glass tanks because they are much less flexible than acrylic.

I'm not sure if this applies to very wide glass tanks, but in general you would not need foam or even a plywood top for that matter. What are your tank's dimensions just so I can make sure my advice isn't out of my range of experience?
i got a 8 foot by 25.5 by 25.5 tank... i thought it was ment for acrylic tanks also... i might just put some foam along the edges? not sure... we will see how my budget goes... i might even forego the ply... i think the stand is high enough and i am so happy with it! any other input?

what type of foam?

what thickness?

my initial thought was 1/4" insulation foam?
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okay, will go to the store today to return and buy more stuff... hehehe, i will look for it... wow, 3/4" is thick! hahahaha...
well, uhmmm, i woudl think so.. hahahahaha...390? i bet it is like paper thin now... hahahaha....

one quick question mflamb, is your tank at the edge of your stand? or do you have the foam alittle over the edge of the tank?
1" foam was on sale, so i picked that up... i am only goign to use it on my acrylic tanks on the bottom, imma leave the main one just on ply... i still have time, i will think about it more...
I wouldn't install any kind of glass or acrylic tank without foam. In fact, acrylic is much stronger in relation to twisting from uneven surfaces than glass. I realize that small tanks rest on the plastic rims, but for larger tanks, I wouldn't trust it.

The compression is a functon of the type of foam you use as well. I put my 1000g acrylic tank on top of 1" foam I got from HD and it has not compressed at all.
mmmm, i am working on the ply for the top level right now, after i gett he top on and sealed... i will make my choice then...