Foam Rockwall w/ built in refuge for a 26 gal bowfront


Nice job, Murdock!
Looks like one continuous wall.

What are your plans for the tank??
Pretty much a good mix of everything. Full blown reef tank. Too many stocking ideas to list. Just going to take it really slow and let it mature before adding too much.
Believe it or not, it's been featured at least twice, that I know of, in their email newsletter too. :)

This was 2 days ago
I went out the other day to the LFS and found a new clown for the rbta. :) Tank has been clownless for about the past 6mo now.<br /><br />Meet Clementine - reg. Occelaris<br /><br /><br />Added him straight to the bubble tip and it hosted him right away.<br />This is the first nem the fish has ever seen and took right to it!<br /><br /><br /><br />
Reverse slurp gun technique? I may have to use that for introducing the barnacle blennies.

Pretty fish! I like the common clowns. They look wild and natural.
Thanks, Michael. It's just the clear tube from a big gravel vac. I think it's about 2.5" in diameter.
Just poured the fish in the top and waited for it to swim out into the rbta.
That's what I figured. I had planned to use a net to put them right on the barnacles, but your technique has me thinking. I'll give it a try!

Wow. Amazing job Sam. Great focus and color! I love the anemone/clown pair, with that current! So natural.
Your video is incredible. After watching it on my PC, I watched it on my smart TV. I felt like I was on a diving trip! Thank you for sharing!

There are so many things that I love about your tank. Your aquascaping is terrific, from the background construction to your livestock placement. Nicely done!

BTW, it was interesting to watch the clownfish inhale the anemone tentacle then spit it out. I guess that's another way that they stay immune from the venom?
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Thanks Michael and Chasmodes!

It's been 6 mo without a clown in the bubble tip and I decided it was time! Lol

The Angel and Blenny don't even acknowledge the clown is there and the clown just swims in the nem or wanders about and comes right back.
Nice to see them all happy!

I'm definitely pleased with most of the video. I still need a macro lens for better clarity of some stuff. The pulsating Xenia and Elegance close ups are probably my favorite!

I appreciate all the kind words!
Need more room! Haha

The clown will suck on the tentacles to better immune itself to the anemone's sting/nematocysts. I'll try to get a good pic today ​of the black spots developing on the clown due to this. They will eventually go away.
Pretty cool it started sucking on one while I was filming!

Your little clown was seriously munching on that roses arm - lol.

I've seen people use the tube trick to try and get their clowns to host a bit quicker (or even what they wanted it to host in). I've personally not tried it. When I replaced my pair a few years back I just let them do it on their own. Probably took about 2 months. Upon first entry to display one did dart to it and give it a test but it quickly left - maybe due to sting, I don't know.

Good looking video and tank. Keep up the good work.
Saf1, thanks!

That's the second time I've tried the tube method. The first time it freaked the clown out. Lol.
I tried the mesh breeder box and raising it up so they were forced to swim in the bta and that worked okay.

Newest addition!!!

Check out my new long tentacle plate coral!

It's rather large. Lol