For all potential mantis keepers

Here's some really good info on Tanks and substrate for O scyllarus from Gonodactylus

Gonodactylus said:
In the field the burrow of a 4 inch O. s. would be about 10 inches deep and 14 - 18 inches long. It is unlikely that you could recreate the substrate conditions that would allow the animal to construct such a burrow in an aquarium. Some large pieces of live rock along with lots of smaller pieces and some gravel is probably as close as you can come. The substrate should probably be at least four or five inches deep, but the major support for the burrow will come from the live rock. The animal will fill in the gaps with smaller pieces.

As for size of aquarium and glass vs. acrylic, the largest O.s. I would keep in a 10 gal. aquarium would be about 3 inches. This is not because of the risk of breaking the glass, but because of the bioload that might occur. While it is possible that a four inch O. s. could break a 1o gal. glass aquarium, it is highly improbable.

As for glass vs. acrylic, the major difference is that the plastic is pliable. I have several plexi tanks that I keep O. s. in and while they are dented by strikes, they do not break. Glass will chip and occasionally crack. If the stomatopod is over 4-5 inches, I would advise acrylic or at least 7 or 8 mm glass.
Almost sounds like the tank breaking issue is over-hyped. About the odds of getting struck by lightning.

icaught my mantis finally just wait for it to go in its home.remove rock if possible and sit in cold r/o water it will swim out very quickly.I tried the inderted pop bottle and a mantis trap very smart animal.
Hello there, I finally defeated the SOB (Mantis the ruler of the world) I kept him in a 10 G by him self...If any one whants help in trapping the little sucker...I know how to make the perfect trap that caught him in less than a day..Happy hunting...hope to hear from you all....
mantisbaby said:
Hello there, I finally defeated the SOB (Mantis the ruler of the world) I kept him in a 10 G by him self...If any one whants help in trapping the little sucker...I know how to make the perfect trap that caught him in less than a day..Happy hunting...hope to hear from you all....

I'm interested. I'm sure we'll have to catch at least one.
funny story: while at a LFS i saw a peacock mantis, I kneeled down to watch it. anyways while i was down they feed it, it had cornered a feeder fish and went for it. It cracked the glass knocked me back in amazement, and scared the Owner sh@less. It was comic watching the owner flip, about how it ruined his tank I thought he was going to Net him and throw him out(which i would take home). He placed it in rubbermaid bin with some water i have never seen a guy cuss so much in his life.
Peacock mantis shrimp are absolutely awesome looking creatures - every color of the rainbow. I have kept a few of them at different times over the years. I always kept them solitary in their own small (12 gal) tank. I feed them small goldfish - its really entertaining to watch them hunt the feeder down - they look like they are flying around the tank. Everybody gets a kick out of watching these Peacock mantis shrimp. They are one of my favorite sea animals.
My LFS usually has a few for sale. The owner says he sells alot of them to the local university's so they can study them.

Here is a really funny website about the wacky Peacock mantis shrimp. Warning - Its kinda geared for adults.
at a lfs here in ky they had a mantis shrip about a 8 to 9 inches long for sale he was like 50 bucks or so and had a big warning on the glass that said killer shrimp beware. haha
I found a mantis shrip in my tank about six months ago and hasnt hurt anything that i know of however i found my yellow headed jawfish dead and cut in half but what ever i saw of him he would come out to get food and if the fish got there first he would leave so i dont know if he killed my jawfish or not. now i have in a bucket for the past 3 days b/c i dont want to kill him and i dont know what to do with him b/c i just switched everything over to a 90 gallon reef tank and am afraid to put him in there. I dont know what i should do with him i am scared of him killing my fish and hurting my corals??? He just multed from brown to green now.
I keep mine in an 18 gal tank with a couple Blue Damsels, and one Oyster Driller Snail. Mine seems to be fairly "nice", but I wouldn't put him in my main display tank. I just wouldn't take the chance.
Our new adoption has been added to our Photo Gallery....

Soo sweet, and s/he sat and scratched her/his belly whilst I was acclimatising it......

Didn't take too long to adapt to frozen food (out of the bag yesterday, snatched a prawn today)...

They are beautiful... Ours is about 4-5", in a 30Gallon tank

I have a buddy that used to fish in the tropics. they used to call mantis shrimp "thumb splitters" he literally got him thumb split down the middle to the bone when he grabbed one out of his net. they are wicked little buggars.