for everyone that runs vortechs on their tanks, do u guys get waves at all?


New member
so i plan on getting 2 vortechs for my 240. Do you guys get waves going back and forth that waveboxes give? if not does the water level at least go up and down? trying to avoid a wavebox if i can.
I get about 1 1/2" wave in my 300 but I have 2 vortechs on each end, I had 2 on one end of my 125 and 1 on the other and got a nice wave also. I don't think 2 is going to be enough to get a good wave on a 240
I can get a decent wave (1/2in to 3/4in) in my 180 72"x24"x24" with two Vortechs. With 3 vortechs going I can get the water to go over the sides of the tank. The largest difference between the wave box and the Vortechs is the placement of the pumps and that the Vortechs make an audible sound when they are ramping up and down.
IME VTs are a laminar flow pump that can pulse, and if used in pair(s) they can create a back-n-forth laminar flow. WBs are strictly back-n-forth... I've seen one on with NO other pumps on in the tank, and it literally picked up detrius off the bottom and moved it back-n-forth slightly (hovering motion if you will). WBs need additional laminar flow, VTs do not.