I have a question to pose to the reef community?
Our kids are our future. So how do we teach them about the tanks that we love and enjoy? A process that we watch every day in our tanks (denitrification) is one of the greates experiances that a kid can see. Problem is that tanks can be pricy. How can we come up with a low cost option to bring what we love to a classroom for all to see while bringing a experiance the student will remember. Hands on science is the only way to go at least for me?
Our kids are our future. So how do we teach them about the tanks that we love and enjoy? A process that we watch every day in our tanks (denitrification) is one of the greates experiances that a kid can see. Problem is that tanks can be pricy. How can we come up with a low cost option to bring what we love to a classroom for all to see while bringing a experiance the student will remember. Hands on science is the only way to go at least for me?