For Sale

Adrian - it's yours if you want it. I already took the pics so I'll post here and let you decide.

Yellow Star

Green Star

Green Fuzzy - Sorry, wasn't in focus

Anthelia - Xenia

Anthelia - Shroom


Left Quarter of tank - ROCK

Back Half - RUBBLE

There is also an entire rubbermaid container being used as a trickle filter with LR rubble if you want them.

Right Quarter of tank - ROCK
yes ill take um im in jamaica right now so when i get back on thursday ill give you a call and we can discuss the price.Also are you going to seprate the skimmer the g3 ?and i need 48' vho's bulbs do you have any ? thanks adrian
Are you looking for just the rock and coral that is left or the entire system as well?

I'd like you to take both but if you take all the rock and live stock then I can part out the system. I could then sell you the G3 and two sets of VHO's if that's what you are looking for.

The flat worms. I treated once last week and got rid of over half of them. Then I wondered why I did that. A one minute dip of the live rock in fresh water will take care of the flatworms. We can simply dip the rocks as they come out.
hey i want everything live rock and corals rubbermaid with rubble and i want to know how much for the skimmer and the lights also do you have any bulbs ?also i need some water for a water change can i have some ?
Update. ALL livestock and live rock is gone.

Adrian got the deal of a lifetime. Once I pulled all the rock out of the tank and sumps he ended up with 200 lbs of live rock plus all the fraglets that were left for a mere $100.

So now the 4' x 4' tank as well as the lights and skimmer are up for grabs. Looks like I'm parting it out.

4' x 4' frag tank - $75
ASM G3 skimmer - unmodded $200
2 48" Current dual Satillites (4 x 65 watt) - 175 ea or 2 for 300
2 36" Current Orbit (2 x 96 watt) - 175 ea or 2 for 300
2 48" 220 watt VHO retro kits - 300 Not sure what I paid but I know it's worth it.