For those considering tempered glass...


New member
this happened approx. 4 months ago. It was the result of having to move in 1 week, and i only had 1 day to get my tank, and at that point i had no extra tanks or an RO system. so i moved my tank with the inhabitants, 1/3 water and most of the rock and the sand. i used a cherry picker and furniture dollys to get the tank out of the house. This happened in transit when we had to slow down b/c of traffic. If this tank was tempered we would have lost everything across the road. there were no casualitys from the move. The tank by itself is around 300-350 pounds - its a 180 gallon. Actually upon lifting it into its final location, the main strap got overlooked and when it was 10" above the ground it fell, right back on the dollies. I considered myself very lucky at that point. An acrylic would have fared better but i love my glass tanks and wouldnt trade them for the world.

would you fill this up?
your dern right i did

That thing is that looks like its sticking out of the glass but its not - its tape for the background

Side view
You are nutty! I can't believe you moved a tank with water in it, what's more amazing is that you pulled it off.
wow, feel 10feet!!! I was freaked out when we dropped er.. quickly set the 225 down from 1 foot onto carpet when we had trouble gettin up a step with it in our hands.
ya i cant beileve that i pulled it off, there was alot of sketchie times when i was moving it - most of which i cant explain you would have had to been there. it was only me and a friend and we are far from being muscular. funny thing tho i build the stand to be seperated and moved with the tank, i knew i was going to have to move it a one point but i thought i would have more than 12 hours to grab it. it would have been a ton easier if we could have taken the slider out and backed the truck tailgate into the room. its a strange feeling looking at a 6' tank and realizing that it can kill you, and be your casket at the same time. i dont really look at my tank the same way anymore, im uneasy when i have to be under it, or around it. i dont know why the stand is overbuild but the thought of my tank tipping over or falling runs through my head every time.

oh a cherry picker is an engine hoist, its like a mini crane. and a rough estimate on the moving weight was close to 1000 pounds - 300 pound tank, 300 pound sand, 400 pounds of water. i dont think anyone should consider doing what we did, but im just happy that my tank wasnt tempered, we would have lost everything.
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Actually, who knows what would have happened. A tampered tank is stronger and nothing may have happened. On the other hand, it could have shattered. I have see a tank dropped from about a foot that had a tempered bottom and regular sides. The bottom stayed in-tact and cracks spidered out from the side corners, who knows.....
I would keep a close eye on this. I had a 240 that got knicked like that and the crack started running, just like a windshield.
yea i do keep an eye on it, its on the front panel, theres no hiding it. i see it and im like grr, but im just glad its still working. tempered glass is weak on the edges, where this impact occured, so i figured there would be no hope for a tempered getting hit like this.
You are braver than I that you are still using this tank. I hope it dosent crack in the middle of the night and unleash 180 gallons of pain on your floor :eek2: