for those who claim to truly care... ;-p

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if getting rid of your car, or stopping driving using combustion engines of any kind, was the only way to save reefs worldwide. would you be willing to do it ?

i'm presenting this more as a 'food for thought' post, as opposed to seeing what folks say to justify their lifestyle vs. their professed 'caring' about the reefs ;)

Good public transit that doesn't use engines (electric trains and street cars, ala the Netherlands) would obviously need to be in place. People have to get around.

Of course, good public transit would be good for other reasons too!

Good public transit that doesn't use engines (electric trains and street cars, ala the Netherlands) would obviously need to be in place. People have to get around.

Of course, good public transit would be good for other reasons too!

Just to play Devil's advocate....
You do understand that the electricity to power those electric trains and street cars is still going to be produced by burning fossil fuels, right?
Just to play Devil's advocate....
You do understand that the electricity to power those electric trains and street cars is still going to be produced by burning fossil fuels, right?

Nothing in life is free. There will always be an impact somewhere, some how...

We are all interconnected.
I would hands down but there is the issue of paying my bills. Probably 75% of my gas goes to getting me to taking care of some "artificial" reef housing mostly aqua cultured corals grown with co2 emissions power. My income is about as important to me as getting your kids to school, buying groceries and having a 70 degree house 365 days a year is to you.

I would expect consumer goods(all that glass, plastic and wiring in your aquarium, tv, computer, food packaging/transport, and furniture) and electrical usage is far higher in co2 emissions than cars, especially in years to come. Of course I'm a hypocrite just the same, for now at least...
I'm not trying to say there's no reason to try, just that your efforts should be directed to where they can do some good.
I work 4:00AM to noon almost 40 miles east of my house. I COULDN'T count on public transportation to get me to work. I've always felt that owning a car in my part of the world to be a necessity. Go 30 miles west, and you're in NYC where public transportation runs 24/7 and can get you to within a couple blocks of anywhere. Realize though, that public transportation moves the great unwashed masses, the more people using it, the worse it stinks. Even if I could count on public transportation, I'm not so sure that I'd be willing to give up my car and put myself through that on a daily basis. BAH, who am I kidding? There's no way, with the current situation being what it is that I'd give up my car, or at least my own personal form of transportation that goes when I'm ready, and comes back when I want it to.
If you're looking for a real solution, stripping people of their cars ain't it.
If the rest of the world would just adopt the same water and air pollution standards the U.S. has to play by it would be a good start in curbing at least a few environmental problems.
Just to play Devil's advocate....
You do understand that the electricity to power those electric trains and street cars is still going to be produced by burning fossil fuels, right?

+1 I understand that they can do more the limit the impact in a "central location", but the standards aren't good enough to ensure it. There is a bonus in the switch though, since a central supply can be changed without every car changing.
We do things with best intentions. Force everyone to CFL bulbs, its a great energy savings. Of course, don't put a recycling plan in place, nor notify people they need to recycle the bulbs (which is in most places a consumer cost) and the mercury filling the land fills dooms us all anyway.
We need to clean up our acts some, regardless of your stance on "man made" global warming. But if we aren't doing it in a responsible way there is no gain.
If the rest of the world would just adopt the same water and air pollution standards the U.S. has to play by it would be a good start in curbing at least a few environmental problems.

There's no way you can count on that happening. People in the states think the whole world is like America. People are starving, unclothed and homeless all over the world. They are surrounded in filth and waste. Do you really think they care about what we see as beautiful and desirable? They'd eat every single one of those corals if they could.
There's no way you can count on that happening. People in the states think the whole world is like America. People are starving, unclothed and homeless all over the world. They are surrounded in filth and waste. Do you really think they care about what we see as beautiful and desirable? They'd eat every single one of those corals if they could.

Very true, and I have no hope of what I mention happening anytime soon. Thats why I dont think any small steps we take to curb emissions any further will actually matter. We are at a point of diminishing returns on the automobile especially. There are other industrialized nations of the world that need to be at the same level (or better) of pollution control we are but thats not likely to happen.
I wouldn't give up my car... I love building race cars and modding cars. I don't think I could give it up
We will never get rid automobiles. Advances are continually being made with biofuels. One of the more intriguing is butinol which has a much higher energy density than currently used ethanol and will work as a direct replacement for gasoline. A good website is
I wouldn't give up my car... I love building race cars and modding cars. I don't think I could give it up


American Muscle and Sport Bikes. Love them, will never give them up. Gas prices went over $5/gal, still didn't make me give up my 8MPG car.

American Muscle and Sport Bikes. Love them, will never give them up. Gas prices went over $5/gal, still didn't make me give up my 8MPG car.

Love american muscle... my next project is a 02 trans am ws6 with a 6speed. I have a 06 gsxr 600 with full exhaust , power commander and a tune.
I also have a grand Prix Gtp with xp cam, comp lifters, comp push rods, full intercooler , ported and polished supercharger.... not a v8 but it runs 12s.... really want a chevelle ss
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