For Trade: Xenia Frags


In Memoriam
About 5 weeks ago i picked up some xenias from Mike (mduvall219) - i was able to frag some off for lisa (lisafl) - and it has been growing quite nicely in my tank.

I have multiple frags, or a rock with xenia attached that i'd trade for something else ... i wouldn't mind some shrooms, or riccordias ... or list what you have thats growing well ...

FRAGS are fine! I'd prefer to get frags from locals!

These are the pulsing Xenias, also refered to as 'waving hand coral' they are not orangy, and weedy looking, they are very reflective in a almostlavender metallic color. they add LOTS of motion to any tank, as they pulse & 'wave' 24/4, except when closed after feeding time.

i do NOT feed these - they do NOT require feeding ... not by my standards @ least.

Roy, do you have your tank up yet? I'll keep some for you t in line .. if you still want them.
If you have nothing to trade for .. thats fine also ... let me know if you want a frag - they are easy to work with ... just place a rubber around the rock & hold the frag down for about 24 hours ... it will attach.
do you have a pic of them.... I wouldn't mind some if the piece is of decent size..... and I might have a thing or too for trade ;)
this is the larger one fo the two colonies ... this one i will keep for now - the other rock doesn't have as much on it - but i can frag some off the large rock.



couldn't find any pictures of the smaller colonie .... i may take one later this afternoon.
nice looking stuff, I could use some for my personal tank, I only have one head and it never wants to spread yet the sps are growing like mad
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=8839089#post8839089 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by coralfarmer84
nice looking stuff, I could use some for my personal tank, I only have one head and it never wants to spread yet the sps are growing like mad

i have a ton, no make that two tons if you are interested.