In Miami (Dadeland Mall Area), I believe the Doral Sunbelt is your closest... (I work for Sunbelt.) The Genie 5519 almost always comes with solid tires, while the older JCB 520's come with air filled or foam filled larger tires for going over dirt/grass. Neither of these will come with long forks. A standard 5k forklift has the option of 6' forks, but they come with 42" forks usually. THe standard 5k forklift is concrete/asphalt only, dont even think of taking it in the dirt. Forklifts are very easy to operate, where people get into trouble is they forget the "finesse" that is required in operating any car, and they get in and floor it or they don't watch out for uneven ground. Everything you do in a forklift with a load on the forks, you take it easy. Also, if you're worried, a good ratchet strap securing it to the forks is great peace of mind. Also, look into the Genie SLC 18, it is a material lift, and you can rent 2 (one for each end). Cheaper option, manually operated lifts, and we've rented them for this purpose before. Again, a ratchet strap holding the tank to the forks is a good idea.