forum name


Moved On Up
I have heard back from Mhurley and he said they recieved my email and such and he said he did not know exactly what I wanted. I also do not know what we want anymore. Originally I had asked to change this forum to the Calumet Reef Society. I think you can also add a little mission statement or something under it. I still like the idea of CRS because in the Midwest-Region list we'll be like third or something listed. Before I respond I want to make sure everyone is happy and like the idea. Add any suggestions or make corrections ...whatever, maybe u guys can discuss it tommorrow? I will wait a while before's a starting point for you all to correct/fix.

Calumet Reef Society(CRS)
An informal group of Northwest Indiana Region reefkeepers looking to buy/sell/trade and enjoy the hobby and share knowledge with fellow hobbyists.

I don't know?, just a first draft, I think it gets the point accross...we can also put a link to the other site at the end of the mission statement.
Well, you're not alone -- nobody seems to know what we want! :p Maybe we'll get lucky and the idea will become clearer tomorrow at Scott's house.

CRS sounds good to me. Its as good as anything else that's been suggested. This forum seems to be as good a place as any for a group of people from the area who don't really care about any efforts toward formal organization.

It looks like the whole CMAS Chapter idea is going to fizzle because nobody is interested in lifting a finger to make anything happen. Too bad. Rich had a good idea. CMAS has a lot to offer if we could just organize enough to take advantage of what they're offering us.
Well I hate to say it but this seems to land in Seaoflife's lap. He, if I remember correctly, said he was starting NWIMAC whether the CMAS ( RC ) guys wanted to join or not. There have been enough people to say they would join both clubs no matter what happens. So, NWIMAC seems to be moving forward whether or not it has any involvement with CMAS. I can see pros and cons for NWIMAS being a "chapter" of CMAS. He posted and it seems like he was interested in going to the swap. so maybe he is interested to at least hear what CMAS has to say..

It seems like there are no CMAS bylaws to support this type of thing and NWIMAC could/would have a big hand in creating those bylaws so as "both" clubs would benefit from this.

Either way I don't feel that I have the time to be a board member of any club and will just be here trying to help how ever I can. I am and will stay a CMAS member, as I spend a lot of time in Chicago. I would probably join another local club. I have already registered on the NWIMAC site and consider those people over there friends, just like those on this forum and the CMAS forum.

Thanks Shawn, I like you too, even after the way you made me do unspeakable things to you! As far as a name on here, I don't care what you guys call it, we are a club, those that have registered on our site and come to meeting and expressed interest are members already, we are formal, but are not doing dues currently until we have enough membership, right now all our planned event will be based on donations and what not. Poo tang and pesc seem to love the calumet name, so I say go with that, I still feel welcome to use your space on to talk to NW IN guys and perhaps after RC see's we too are a club, we can get a subforums too. As far as CMAS chapter, we really would like to work with CMAS, but we are our own club, even if we chapter we are NWIMAC, not CMAS IN or something.
yeah, thats the thing. If we are a chapter of CMAS they are most likely going to want us to be called CMASNWI or something like that. Not CRS. I say name it after the club that is already forming. NWIMAC.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12047674#post12047674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bigevill
yeah, thats the thing. If we are a chapter of CMAS they are most likely going to want us to be called CMASNWI or something like that. Not CRS.
Mike, do you have any factual basis for saying that, or are you just speculating? I think it would be a good idea for us to actually get some facts at the CMAS meeting instead of spreading disinformation.

that is, unless this is what you really want:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12047674#post12047674 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by bigevill
I say name it after the club that is already forming. NWIMAC.
yes, the second quoted statement is what I would like to see happen. Thats why I made that statement. If we are just going to be a chapter of CMAS they already have a forum to be posted in. Making three forums: one for CMAS, one for CMAS NWI, and one for NWIMAC is silly. People are already complaining that they dont want to check 2 different forums. Why would they want to check 3?

edit: my first post was rushed and I did not get to say everything I wanted to becuase I was running out the door. The feelings expressed in this post are how I feel.
mike, you are cracking me up! We need more members like you. We are on our way up to gofish to see hposierpat and finally get bigreefe his tank, sorry grizz duty called, I still want to see ur tank, maybe we can organize a nwimac tank tour later the month.
just got back from Grizz's house and I have to say the tank looks great. I am jealous of how nice all his corals are doing.
i guess NWIMAC always seemed long to me...6 letters!? plus i don't like the word club...kinda lame to me...but TBH i already have what I want...a formal meeting place for locals...HERE! so i could care less ultimately...I only want it renamed to attract more locals.

sorry i couldn't make it...who all went?
Basically the same thing at the other Scott's. Just that Boyd is kind of interested. We would just have to follow the bylaws of CMAS and do a frag swap once a month.