Found red bugs tonight...

Thanks everyone for the guidance :beer: I will be completing my 3rd and final treatment this weekend and wanted to get an idea of how long I shoud wait before I add the crustaceans back to my DT. I'm going through a nasty hair algae bloom from all the die-off and need to get my cuc in good order asap...Thanks!
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Fire kills red bugs and their eggs! :uzi:

Remove all acropora and submerge in FLAMES! do this briefly. :angryfire:

SPS Polyp extension will suffer for several days but redbug death is assured. :smokin:

Good luck with the nasty little boogers! From my experience start to look closly for AEFW. I belive that i detected redbugs first and then AEFW a few months later. Redbugs are no fun, AEFW almost made me leave the hobby!!